Pink Frosting (Google)

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Summery: Wilford is struggling and Dark is out, leaving Bing and Google to help him alone.

Tws: Not too much detail on it, but dissociation, and trauma responses. 

Dark wasn't at the manor

Of all the days he could be busy, it was today.

Granted, Wilfords issues were never predictable. Nothing about him ever was. Though, Google couldn't help but be frustrated that Wilford just had to have a meltdown while Dark was gone.

Google and Bing had shooed everyone to their own rooms after Wilford had shot a vase. They could all die. Google and Bing could be fully repaired as long as their personality chips were intact.

Bing came in from making sure everyone was safe in their rooms.

The less formal Android was annoying, but Google had to admit that Bing knew when things were serious and he needed to focus. He was better at the 'emotion' thing, and therefore better at providing the humans comfort.

"Everyone is safe. Eric is panicking, but Yance and Illinois are keeping him company. Other than that, everyone is fine"

Bing paused for a moment before adding, "and besides Wilford"

The pink mustached man was in the living room, crying. Crying about a falling person. Crying about how he didn't mean to.

Google could tell Bing wanted to comfort the distressed ego, but they both knew it was foolish. Even though they were more durable, things could happen. Repairs could be difficult.

Google was about to tell Bing they should stand watch of Wilford, just in case, when Bing gasped.

It was a little over the top, in Google's opinion, since gasping was extreme inhalation of air and the two didn't breathe, meaning Bing gasped for show. He was always portraying human habits that showed no purpose.

"What?" Google asked flatly.

"Cupcakes!" Bing said.

Google mentally revoked his statement about Bing's ability to be serious as needed.

"Excuse me?"

" We should make Wilford cupcakes!"

"Bing, I don't think cupcakes will solve Wilfords trauma response"

"For such a 'logic' dude, you're pretty dumb," Bing said, looking up some recipes.

Google narrowed his electric blue eyes.

Bing just smiled, "It's simple human stuff. Wilford may be different, but at his core, he's human. Humans who hurt can hurt others. So we make him not hurt by giving him something he likes. Cupcakes, plus Wilford, equals happy Wilford and everyone being okay"

Irritation swelled in Google, "So we're rewar-"

" We aren't rewarding anything. We're comforting a human who hurts. A human who, whether you want to admit or not, you care about. A human whose part of this family, that we have become a part of. We both know I know more about humans than you. "

Bing's face went almost solemn and pleading, "Trust me, Googs. It's not gonna 'solve' his deep rooting stuff, but I'm sure it will calm him down for now. At least until Dark is back"

Google wanted to be stubborn... but this wasn't the time. Bing was right. He hated it, but he cared about the Ipliers. Wilford was just crying at the moment, but he could become dangerous in just a moment, with no prompt. They had to ensure he went back to a stable state.

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