Through Time And Space (Darkstache)

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TW: Panic Attack

Based off of the idea that Wilford can defy time and space, and might use that to help Dark.

Some nights were harder than others for Dark. He didn’t need to sleep to survive, but sometimes he just slept to escape his own thoughts.

Tonight, however, even that wasn’t an escape. He tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep and find moments of freedom in a blank dream. Dark often had to look relatively together these days. As the Iplier ‘family’ grew, so did Darks responsibilities. 

At first, his only job was to destroy Actor. Then he found Wilford, and had to try to catch him up on things, and take care of him. Then others started showing up, and he had to use Actors old Manor for them. Then he had to take care of them as well.

Now he was the leader of a large house, full of chaotic look alikes. His burning desire for revenge had seemed to turn into an intense need to protect this makeshift family. Before, he constantly fantasized about killing Actor once and for all. Now his thoughts were filled with the fears of Actor killing one of them.

Those fears made it hard for him to sleep. Past mistakes, and future failures filled his head… but he could talk to no one. He couldn’t let them know he was scared. Of course, there was Wilford.

There was always Wilford. Thank goodness for him. Dark wasn’t sure how he could ever function without him. Wilford could be a handful, but he had an unconditional love for Dark. He cared, and always tried his best to comfort him in times like these.

However, Dark never liked bothering him. Wilford already had a lot on his plate, mentally. Plus, it was so late. Wilford was asleep, and it would be selfish to wake him up.

Eventually, Dark got tired of trying to sleep with no avail, and just got up. Maybe a walk in the garden would do him well. Wilford had recently fixed it up, and it looked lovely. If he could just calm his mind, maybe he could sleep.

Dark headed out of his room, and out to the garden, not having much hope for this pathetic attempt. He took a breath as he made it out to the back, trying to calm himself with the cool night air.

It was silent out… no, it wasn't silent, it was actually quite loud. But a different kind of loud. During the day, there were egos running around, some shouts, loud laughter, bangs, things falling. You put a bunch of full-grown men, many with powers together, even the most boring days were loud and fairly chaotic.

Right there, in the garden lit dimly by mismatched fairy lights, it was still loud. But there were no shouts, no laughter, no shouting, no ridiculously loud music.

Instead, he could hear the wind rustling though the trees. Frogs by a small pond. Crickets in the flowers. The cooing of an owl nearby.

Dark felt a bit of hope for this attempt of quieting his mind. How could he possibly panic in such a calm and lovely garden? He headed down the steps, and made his way along the stone pathed paths that circled flower beds.

He took a deep breath, taking in the fresh smells of the garden. Slightly damp dirt. Hundreds of flowers, merging into a lovely deep floral smell. Grass that was cut only that afternoon.

He took a seat on a bench, near the center of the garden.

This manor was a haven for the egos. A place where they were safe from the world, and Actor. He was almost proud of the environment.

 But not really. They weren’t truly safe, he reminded himself. Actor finds a way to get what he wants. He was just leaving them alone at the moment. Darks fist gripped the bench, as the thought of the other egos getting hurt forced themselves into his head.

How long could he hold up this haven? Or what if it rots from the inside out? Could Actor find a way to corrupt one of them?

He felt his breathing speed up as he thought about the possibilities. What if Actor came in and took one of them? Dark couldn’t be everywhere at once. What if Actor strikes when he's distracted? What if he’s already communicating with one of them, trying to convince them to hurt people?

Dark tried to calm himself, but he couldn’t help the panic that rolled over him, and clutched his heart. Hyperventilating. He tried to calm himself, but nothing could chase the thoughts out of his head.

Suddenly, he felt a soft hand on his cheek. He leaned into it and calmed his breathing. He glanced about, and so no one.

But he knew that hands feeling anywhere. The ring on the pointer finger, the slight bump in the palm, indicating a scar. It was Wilfords hand.

Dark laughed weakly, remembering Wilford didn’t abide by the laws of time and space. Wilford had never done something like this before, but at the same time, Dark had never had a panic attack like this before.

He could hear Wilfords soft slur in his head, “Dark, darling, did you really think I’d leave you alone with these heavy thoughts? I’ll always be here for you..”

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