Actors Stage (tma crossover 2/2)

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Jon had forgotten the odd statement. He went through dozens of concerning statements every day, after all. So it only took a few days for it to slip his mind.

A few weeks later though, a man walked into his office. A man in a crisp red suit that seemed so out of place in the archives.

Jon looked up from the papers he was looking through "Excuse me, this area is off limits"

"Ah, yes I'm sorry about that. It's just I believe you have something of mine" The man's accent was american, which somewhat surprised Jon.

"Is that so? Mister...?" Jon asked, prodding for his name.

"Actor," The man said. He sounded almost smug while saying it. As if he knew how that answer would surprise Jon.

And Jon would be lying if he said it didn't surprise (and concern) him quite a lot. If the statement held any truth this wasn't the type of thing he was keen to get caught up in.

"I see." Jon said, after regaining his composure "Well Mr. Actor, we have nothing of yours."

"Is that so? It's my understanding that you're in possession of a letter that I would like to have back"

"A letter that wasn't addressed to you. I'm afraid I can't just give away statements"

"How about we make a deal." Actor said, approaching Jons desk. Jon got the distinct impression of a snake approaching a mouse.

"I give you my own 'statement' about the... situation. And in return you give me that letter. I'm sure you're curious about all this and I'm sure I can answer quite a few questions" Actor said. "I can even show you some proof" He said, with a gleam in his eye that made Jon very weary of asking for said proof.

"I think I'm quite alright on the proof." Jon said, maybe a little too quick. However Actor was right... he was very curious.

"But alright. I'll give you the letter for a statement" he gave in. After all, he did already have it recorded.

Actor smiled and sat down "Lovely." he said.

Jon didn't like being around him. Even without the prior knowledge about this... entity trapping someone in his stories, the man just felt unsafe to be around. His tone was too smooth and calculated. His eyes always seemed to carry a mocking amusement. He was not safe. And he knew it.

Jon started the recorder "Statement of... Actor. Regarding.."

"My Stage," Actor said.

"Right. Original statement given October 30th 2019... Statement taken directly from subject. Whenever you're ready"

"Of course. So I assume you already know some of the basics. I was a rather successful actor back in the day, with some rather powerful friends. I really did have it all for a while. But my wife at the time ended up running off with a man I considered a brother.

Now this alone was upsetting. But you see, my ex wife had a very interesting relationship with the supernatural. And I suppose somewhere along the way she unleashed something on the Manor I lived in. I can't say I know if it was on purpose or on accident. But after she left, whatever was left in the manor started... communicating with me.

It promised me power, and it promised that I could make that old friend and her pay for what they did. And who am I to turn down such a generous offer?

I became very familiar with it, as we prepared for that night.

However I have to admit my plan didn't go... exactly right. She was never supposed to show up. Luckily it was fairly easy to adapt the plan. However it resulted in some unexpected casualties. The District Attorney-"

"Could you please use the real names?" Jon interjected, hoping for more information. Or even just to get him to genuinely acknowledge the others in the story as real people.

The Actor grinned "Nice try, but I don't think so. I'm the main character of this story and we're going to keep it that way. Anyhow, the District Attorney and The Mayor were never actually supposed to get too involved but oh well I suppose.

After that night, everything changed. The old friend who stabbed me in the back truly lost himself. Not exactly what I had planned but it works. The DA was stuck in the mirror without a body. And The Mayor and his sister stole what was left of the DAs body so they could try to kill me. Which obviously they have not yet been successful.

Now the DA specifically was one of the... oddest loose ends I had to deal with. They didn't have a body but at this point I had become familiar enough with the ocults myself to fix that, however I didn't know what to do with them.

The story already had a hero, yours truly. The story already had a villain, what was left of the mayor and his sister. The story already had its supporting characters, which I spent so much time crafting and making perfect. Another factor in my story, well... I wasn't sure how it would work. But I knew if I didn't use the DA, the villain of my story would eventually get to them and use them against me.

So I figured they'd make a lovely sidekick for my stories. After all, what fun is a story with no one to experience it with?

Now I know you're wondering why. If all of it was for revenge, and the people who I was after already lost everything, why all this?

And to be completely honest, simply because I want to. The stages and cameras can never compare to the feeling of being on my stage. Why play the hero when I can be the hero? It's a never ending role. None of us age anymore. None of us even solely exist in this reality anymore. It may have started as a quest for revenge but it's turned into something beautiful.

Now the DA has a tendency to go... off script sometimes. Most of the time they're content with their role. We go on adventures together. I've been very generous to share my stage so much with them. And so imagine my betrayal when I found out about a certain letter they wrote. I could have left them in the mirror. I could have even broken the mirror if I wanted to tie off the loose end. But I didn't. I offered them a place in my story. I even recently gave them a role more important than my own. I've shared my role as the hero and I'm repaid with nothing but disrespect"

Jon was concerned for the safety of this person but there wasn't anything he could do for them. So he just pushed for more information

"Would you mind telling me a little bit about this stage of yours?"

"Of course. It's not an actual physical stage. It's more of a pocket dimension. Now of course matter can not be created nor destroyed so to build each 'set' I have to draw from other worlds. Alternative universes, if you will. I can alter things and people to fit my plot but I can't make them. So each plot takes a very long time to build. I spent so long building each set."

"So all the people in your plots are real people?"

"More or less. The more altering I do the less human they are, mentally speaking. But at one point they were, at least."

Jon felt sick. So those countless deaths in the prior statement.. No wonder the DA was feeling so desperate for help.

Actor suddenly stood up "I think that's about all. Now, can I have that letter of mine back?"

"Oh... right.." Jon mumbled, getting up and opening a filing cabinet. He wanted this monster out of the archives, away from him. And he hoped he would never find himself crossing paths with the actor again.

He got out the letter and handed it over. Which the actor took, and tucked into his pocket "Thank you very much, Mr. Sims. You have a lovely day" He said before leaving.

It took a moment for Jon to notice the recorder was still running "Um, statement ends" he said before turning it off.

"Supplemental, the tape with The Actors victim's statement on it is damaged. The actual tape inside has melted. The Actor seems dedicated to erase any perspective beyond his own, and to keep his victims away from anyone's knowledge... I don't envy those stuck on his stage but can't do anything more than wish them the best of luck...

End supplemental"

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