Not sure what to name this

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It was still night when I woke up, it was like 2 am. I woke up cause I needed to go to the bathroom to piss. And maybe get a cup of water downstairs. I slid out of the blanket so I wouldn't wake Shuji up.

I looked at him while resting my head for a bit.

Why was he so cute, handsome and hot at the same time. I don't know why I felt so attracted to him when we barely met. He was just so cute n nice. I sighed and finally got out of my little trance I was in.

I walked quietly out of the dark room to run to the bathroom real quick. The hallway was dark as well with some pictures of me and my family. I opened the door as quietly as possible so my mom wouldn't wake up. I did my thing real quick then washed my hands and walked out.

The stairs were cold on my feet as I stepped on them to get to the kitchen. As I walked in a grabbed a cup from the cupboard. The cup was my favorite, it had a little bee on it it was super cute. I filled it as my eyes began to get hazy and I realized I'm still tired. I walked over to the counter to drink it real quick I set the cup down as I felt two hands slip around my waist.

I turned around frightened as I looked around... it was just Shuji. My eyes relaxed a bit as I saw who it was. He layed his bed head on my shoulder. If I was being honest I kinda enjoyed this.

"I missed you babe" he said in a sweet low tone.

I ignored his little nickname for me.

"Shuji my mom might come down and see you" I whispered screamed.

He hummed as a response I rolled my eyes at him. Suddenly I heard my mom ask who was down there. I pushed Shuji behind the counter as my mom walked down the stairs.

"It's just me mom, I was getting a cup of water"

"Uh ok, just be quite ok"

I nodded as she left to go back to bed. I took Shuji hand as he put his body weight on me.

"See you were being to loud!" I whisper yell at him again.

His lips touched my ear as he whispered something into my ear.

"Your kinda hot when you yell at me"

My eyes widened at his blunt statement. I pushed him off of me and walked away to my room.

"Wait babe don't leave me here, I didn't mean it" he whispered to me while running my way.

He walked over to me again just a right amount of space between us.

"Well I did" he said in his signature smirk.

I pushed in the room and told him to shut up. We got back in bed the same way before.

He wrapped his tan arms around me as I faced away from him. But this time I let him do his little thing, I wanted him to hug me, I want him to. I want him to touch me.

Author : k that's it all of my chapters are short but whatever

SHUJI - fem reader x Shuji - ishi peters Where stories live. Discover now