It happened so fast. Too fast.
One moment we were sprinting to catch the train, the next moment I heard Rose fall down the stairs.
I started to run over to her limp body, to find her hardly breathing. She probably fainted, considering she had nothing to eat that morning.
Okay, I thought. She should wake up soon. People faint all the time, and they eventually wake up after a couple of minutes. So, I waited about thirty seconds, occasionally slapping her face or calling her name.
But after a few minutes her body started to shake uncontrollably.Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
Panic started to form as I continued to shake her and slap her. She never woke up, and I started to yell for help. The people behind me stopped talking for a second to stare. Some of them started to move towards us, but stopped when they realized no one else did.
"Are you just going to stand there while my girlfriend is having a freaking seizure?!" I demanded, desperately trying, anything, to wake her up. Meanwhile the group of people behind me started to slowly break apart. Some drifted to their trains, others walked to anywhere but here.
Finally, Rose started to open her eyes. Relief coursed .through me as I tried to pick her up, but she continued to shake uncontrollably.
"Rose! Rose answer me!" I yelled, tears brimming my eyes. She slowly looked up at me, but I saw confusion in her gaze. She didn't move at all, only stared.
I know this sounds crazy, but I don't even know if she remembers me. She could have hit her head mid-fall.
I honestly have no clue, but I had to try something before I did anything else."Rose, do you know who I am?"
It was probably stupid, but I was disappointed when I didn't receive an answer. Instead, she started to choke. She coughed and hacked, probably trying to get air to breathe.
"HELP!" I screamed, trying to get somebody's attention.Eventually one of the douche security guards strode over, muttering something under his breath. His hair stuck out on all sides, and his chubby face was as red as a tomato.
I gave him a desperate glance, and he started to pump Rose's chest. It lasted about two minutes, and I came to the conclusion that was his only physical activity for the month.Rose eventually started to breath again, and I let out a sigh of relief. But, she still didn't wake up.
I phoned an ambulance about five minutes ago, and I began to hear the blaring sirens in the distance.Thank God we were near a hospital.
I held Rose's hand as we waited for the truck to come. I began to imagine scenarios that I know could never happen in reality, but I still scared the shit out of myself.
I couldn't help but think about the worst case scenario. Rose dying.I actually couldn't bring myself to continue, otherwise I'd have a panic attack on the spot.
Eventually the truck parked across the street, and three heavy set men with stretchers ran out of it. One man had a mask, and the others were working together to push the stretcher across the street.
After a couple of minutes of getting Rose safely into the truck, the men began to close the doors. Panic started to rise as I ran up to the driver.
"Uh.. What about me?" I asked, tugging on my ponytail. I usually do this when I'm nervous, and I'm pretty sure I'll go bald by the time I'm forty.
The man sighed and placed a meaty hand on my shoulder. His breath smelled strangely of fruity gum as he spoke into my ear.
"Don't worry, lady. She'll be fine."
And with that he smiled sadly and closed the door to the truck."Yes, I know she'll be fine." I muttered, trudging back to get my stuff.
But what about me?

Give Me Love {A Rose and Rosie fanfic} //ON HIATUS
FanficRose Ellen Dix is living proof that a moment can turn into a matter of life or death in a split second. You have to embrace it the best you can, otherwise things can end different. Sometimes for the best, And sometimes for the worst.