Groggily, I sat up. I realized Rosie's legs were intertwined with mine while we slept, slightly amused for the time being. I missed mornings like this, the ones where we don't have a single care in the world. It was us against the universe. But now I don't know where we are or what happened to us. All I remember is the black fog growing thicker and thicker as we fell into a deep and (much needed) sleep. Why did I come back here? Could I possibly save Rosie? I honestly didn't know. But right now, in this strangely beautiful and wonderful moment, I didn't give a damn.
She began to roll around, slipping her arm across my torso. I laughed faintly as she groaned in her sleep. It was almost impossible to share a bed with Rosie, considering she'd sleepwalk and snore really loudly. One time we were sharing a cot at her parent's flat and she sleepwalked all the way to the front door, trying to get out. She even went as far as taking the key off of the coffee table. I'd always tease her about it, it was cute the way her nose turned a bright shade of crimson.
It felt like hours as we lay there, Rosie sleeping soundly. I tried to count the number of breaths she took, the number of steady heartbeats she had. Sometimes her breath would catch in her throat, and she'd choke and sputter like she was having a nightmare.
I wonder if it was about me, or that day. That horrible day. The day that made the sanest, happiest, most energetic person in the world result to suicide. She became broken, and the worst part is; I wasn't there to pick up the pieces. I always swore to her that I would always be by her side, no matter what. But what I've come to realize is that its an impossible promise to keep.
I sat there for a while longer, admiring her innocence and beauty until she popped open an eye, groaning. ''How long have I slept?" She asked, beginning to sit up against the headboard.
"I don't know, about eight hours" I said.
"How long were you up?" She asked. I gave a sheepish smile and replied,
"I don't know, about eight hours." I giggled as she threw a pillow at me.
"God," She said. "This is like Twilight but even weirder." I just smiled. I kind of felt like Edward Cullen, the creepy vampire dude who sat in Bella's room and watched her sleep. But I get where he's coming from, watching someone sleep has a notion of innocence behind it, yet it feels like a secret only I know. Plus I'm literally dead, so I have nothing to prove.
Rosie sighed to herself as she slipped on a shirt. I could tell that she was a little spooked by all of this, but she didn't say a word. "Uh, Rosie?" I asked, placing a cold hand on her shoulder. She didn't turn around, but I could hear faint sobs. Her body shook as a wrapped my arms around her, tears streaming down my face. Two broken people, trapped in the core of oblivion. We stayed like that for a long time, holding each other tightly.
"Rose, what's happened to us?" She whispered. I clung onto her tighter, as if my life depended on it.
"I honestly don't know what I'm doing here, or how I got here." I said. "But let's enjoy it as long as possible, even if we both end up dead." She nodded, placing her head on my shoulder.
This, this is happiness.
hey guys! I know I suck at updating, but I finally wrote a new chapter. I'm sorry to those of you who stuck by this story since the beginning, I hope I don't let you down with this chapter. love you all!

Give Me Love {A Rose and Rosie fanfic} //ON HIATUS
Fiksi PenggemarRose Ellen Dix is living proof that a moment can turn into a matter of life or death in a split second. You have to embrace it the best you can, otherwise things can end different. Sometimes for the best, And sometimes for the worst.