"BLOODY HELL, ROSIE. HURRY UP!" I called out from the bathroom. She was still applying makeup, or some shit like that. I strictly informed her that the train was leaving at a quarter to eleven. It was currently half an hour before then, and I was certain we won't make it. It takes forever for her to wake up in the morning, and she wound up oversleeping until 10:15.
Rosie is sort of the easy going type, and she doesn't care if we're late.
But I wanted to get there as fast as I could. For heaven's sake, I wanted to get to the event two hours before it was held. We both worked so hard on this, I couldn't bear to miss it.Before anything else, I should tell you what the event is. It's a giant meet and greet held in London called Rosweglyn.
Rosie and I have arranged everything from the seating, to the colour of the decor. Many fans were attending, and the money we made at the event is going to charity. We plan on selling raffle tickets, and there are going to be three prizes.
Our good friend Emma Carlile illustrated two of the artworks that are going to be raffled off for second and third prize, and the first prize is Hannah Hart's worn out hat.I personally think the raffle is going to be a success, and I'm excited to see the outcome.
But, I won't get to if Rosie doesn't hurry her ass up.
"ROSIE! COME ON!" I shouted, frantically picking up our bags and shoving them in front of the door. We packed three suitcases full of things we needed, and I honestly don't think that should be enough."ALRIGHT I'M READY!" She shouted as she turned the corner into the living room.
I stared in awe, and I was pretty sure drool was spilling from my open mouth.Rosie looked absolutely gorgeous. Her black and white top brought out her emerald eyes. I don't know how that makes sense, but it just does. And her silky blonde hair came down perfectly just above her shoulders. Rosie looked breathtaking, like always. Hell, she could make a potato sack look like the latest fashion. And her smile is the best thing about her. (aside from her breasts, of course.) It can light up the entire closet I was trapped in my entire childhood. (Her smile. Not her breasts. Although they could have lured me out of the closet at a very young age.)
I suddenly felt self conscious, and looked down. My polyester cat sweater doesn't seem as cute now that I think about it. My cheeks felt hot, and Rosie laughed. Also, her laugh is the cutest thing. Cuter than my cat sweater I have to remind myself to change out of later.
"Aw. Babe you look beautiful." Rosie said, pulling me into an embrace. I sighed and kissed her cheek. This women can literally always make me melt. She smelled sweetly of cinnamon, and I almost complimented her on the cologne she was wearing.
"Rosie, the day is finally here." I whispered against her ear. She smiled and pulled away. I sighed a bit. Rosie's arms felt like a barrier, and I know I was always safe inside them.
"If we don't hurry up there won't be an event." She said, lifting up her bags.
I rolled my eyes as we made our way out of the door, making sure to shower Flynn with treats. Poor cat.Well, it was about 11:30 by the time we actually got to the train station. By then we both knew it was either make it or break it. So, we decided to sprint to our train. It was pretty confusing, most likely because we didn't know exactly what train we were boarding. I had the brilliant idea of taking it by instinct. Frankly, I didn't even know what train station we were going to until this morning.
I could feel people staring at us, probably wondering why two twenty-something women were running a marathon through a fucking busy ass train station. Yet again, I don't know why I do half of the things I do on a daily basis.Halfway to our train I started to feel a little dizzy, but shook it off. I didn't have any breakfast that morning so I presumably took it as hunger. That's fine, assuming I would probably attack the snack table as soon as I got to Rosweglyn.
I then started to feel a sharp ache in my chest, but I obviously couldn't stop. It was almost boarding time and we definitely couldn't miss the train. Rosie would be pissed at me, and that would probably equal no sex for a week. So decided to tough it out until we at least got to the right platform. But then my legs started to give up on me, and I had absolutely no momentum to keep going. I couldn't breathe, and I felt light headed.This isn't normal, I thought. I would usually be farther ahead than Rosie, because she has about the same desire to exercise as our cat Flynn. But by now she was at least ten feet away.
She turned her head around and started to yell something, but the pain was too great to hear her clearly. I think she shouted something like "hurry up", but I wasn't sure.
So, she ran towards me and literally took everything I was carrying and put it on her back. I stood there with a shocked expression on my face, and empty hands. She must have thought the baggage was too heavy for me! For a split second I was a little offended, because we both know I'm the macho man in this relationship.
I wanted to say something, but I suddenly couldn't breath at all. All air was cut from my throat, and I collapsed onto the floor with a THUD!
I heard Rosie gasp as my body started to shake uncontrollably. She dropped everything and ran over to me, where I fell at the bottom of the stairs. I saw that she dropped my laptop case in the process, and I really wish I could talk so I could yell at her for almost breaking it.
I could literally hear everything she said, but I jut couldn't respond at all. No matter how many times I tried, I couldn't seem to get enough air.I saw the tears brim Rosie's eyes, and I really wished I could wipe them away. But I had no control over my body. I felt it shake at times, and I thought I was having a seizure.
But I don't think that was the case. My head felt like somebody stabbed it repeatedly with a knife, and then just stuck it in and left it there.
The pain was just too overwhelming I blacked out. The last thing I heard was the love of my life's feeble attempts at calling my name.I wanted to say, "I'm here, Rosie." But I just couldn't make out the words.
And then everything faded.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors Note!
So I just realized that this is the only Rose and Rosie fic on here. I hope this is good enough... But yeah xD I honestly love them, so this fic kind of describes the obsession I have with the two. This is going to be a really long fic, so be prepared! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
Love, Kaylie xoxo

Give Me Love {A Rose and Rosie fanfic} //ON HIATUS
Fiksi PenggemarRose Ellen Dix is living proof that a moment can turn into a matter of life or death in a split second. You have to embrace it the best you can, otherwise things can end different. Sometimes for the best, And sometimes for the worst.