I wanted a soda. Rather, I was craving a soda. I don't know why, presumably because I was thirsty after my near death experience. So, I had the nurse bring me a Coke. She was small and round, with a red face. I didn't want to be rude, but she looked like a wrinkled tomato. Ha. That is quite rude, isn't it?
She shot me a dirty glance as she poured the drink into a tall glass.
The bubbles rose to the top, and my mouth immediately started to water. She placed the glass in my hand, and I nodded her a silent thank you. I took a sip and felt better instantly. It felt so good to drink something that wasn't the hospital's tap water. I have been in the hospital for about a day, and they said I could go home tomorrow.Thank god. Rosie has been visiting me almost constantly, and I began to think she's literally the best girlfriend in the world. She brought me a couple of books and movies to entertain myself with, and was there for me throughout everything.
Currently, I feel like crap. My head is pounding and my stomach is churning. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being dead right now. It would be probably be better than this, but yet again I could be escaping this dungeon tomorrow.
The nurse came in and took away my empty glass. I smiled graciously and reached for the telly remote.
Suddenly, a sharp pain ran up my entire arm and I couldn't move my fingers. I'm not sure if I screamed or not, but I remember the large amount of pain that took over my entire body.It was excruciating, and out of my peripheral vision I could see the nurse immediately stand up from her chair and call for help.
What the hell was going on? All I knew was that I was in pain, and Rosie wasn't here. Shit shit shit.
The last thing I heard was the heart monitor as it slowly progressed to a faint, but audible
I had insane writers block for the past couple of weeks and I couldn't think of what to do! But now I updated a pretty crappy chapter, but hey. At least I updated. I'm so sorry to all of the people that were enjoying this story and asking me to update. I really do care about all of you. Please forgive me. I'll try to update more often. ~Kaylie

Give Me Love {A Rose and Rosie fanfic} //ON HIATUS
FanfikceRose Ellen Dix is living proof that a moment can turn into a matter of life or death in a split second. You have to embrace it the best you can, otherwise things can end different. Sometimes for the best, And sometimes for the worst.