Libertas/Eleutheria= Freedom and Liberty

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—Physical Liberation: able to boost their physical abilities on command by temporarily freeing their bodies from the limiters the brains places on human bodies. Like Hebe/Juventas kids, this power gets stronger the more it is used and the amount of limiters they can remove is dependent on the user.
—Lucid Lord: Are masters of Lucid dreaming
—Freedom Of Movement: Can paralyze whatever or however they want by restricting or temporarily absorbing their freedom of movement. Absorption Will make the user stronger for however long the target is under their power. Has to be looking at the target for it to work
—Nothing Can Restrain Me: Has an immunity to any powers and abilities that restrict their freedom in any way.
—Genes Of A Free Entity: Free to access their genetic code, letting them restructure, alter, and manipulate it to their liking. The changes can be temporarily permanent with them having their primary genetic code to let them revert back to it's original code whenever they please.
—Freerunning Forte: Are prodigies at parkour as it is a skill of freedom of movement.
—Life Liberator: Can astral project. Can only attack others with astral energies while in this state. Spirit-self doesn't feel any pain or exhaustion from their physical bodies while projecting.
—Freedom Of Speech: Able to take away people's voices. Absorbing it will make tho own voice temporarily louder.
—Escape Expertise: Are natural escape artists. Can sense all ways to escape any obstacle restricting them from their freedom.
—Freerunner Focus: Can see all possible paths of movement and/or escape, especially paths only they can take.
—Liberator Of Destiny: Like Kratos/Potestas children, they have complete control over their own fate. No one can predict any after 10 minutes of their future, as it is always constantly changing. The Fates have nearly no control over their lives. Their Life Line is in their own possession, letting them control and decide their own destiny.
—Bind Breaker: Can break any chain, lock, or hold people are being imprisoned by with their minds or hands.
—Vizer Of The Vessel: Can control their own bodies while astral projecting as naturally as if they were still in them. Does not use any power at all. No one can control their bodies but them while in this state. However, their physical bodies still get exhausted. Can choose to enhance their bodies while in this state with Physical Liberation or any of the energies at their disposal if they so wish it.
—Freedom Of Thought: Able to disrupt the minds of other living creatures to either enslave them or confuse them by absorbing their freedom of thought. Is temporary. Will not work on those with stronger minds than them.
—The Wild Card: Can boost their abilities on the spot when backed into a corner.
—Evolution Emperor: Can control and alter their own evolution, allowing them to manifest/depower any biology based powers on command whenever they desire.
—Chain Hound: Able to see the baggage holding people down as chains.
—Astral Guard: Are immune to any mental and physical control when astral projecting
—Liberty Liquid: Can summon and control Wild Water, a liquid that can harden and evaporate, doing whatever it takes to reach the target. This liquid can poison and can either burn or freeze, depending on the temperature, which will take time to build up. Is able to pass through basically ANYTHING. Can only be controlled by the caster.
—Developmental Dominators: Has no limits on their development, meaning they have endless potential and endless capacity for growth and learning.
—Free Focus: Able to temporarily liberate their minds from any baggage, distractions, or mental limitations on command, allowing them to enter a state of hyper-focus, hyper-cognition, and Hyper intuition where their awareness is enhanced, all 5 (6) senses are heavily increased, and all their powers get a small boost.
—Astral Assassin: Able to create, shape, manipulate astral energy, but only when astral projecting. However, they can shape, perceive, manipulate, and create any energies that fall under or are related to astral energy, regardless of whether they're astral projecting or not. Potential depends on the user's creativity.
—Mental Monarch: Has complete and total control over their brain, all its parts, and their mind. They can kinetically accelerate/decelerate all/any parts of their brain/mind and can control and manipulate their neuro-psyche, the gateway between the mental and physical plane, which gives the user endless psionic potential. However, a hit to the head will stunt all psychic abilities for some time, depending on how much the user was using it.
—Health Liberation: They're free from the effects of disease.
—Omni-Open And Complete Close: Able to open and close practically anything through touch and/or mind within a bedroom radius. This goes far beyond just closed doors and entrances, as they can open and close on a spiritual/physical/mental level and potentialities/opportunities on an abstract level. This also means they can affect what's opened or closed and manipulate what's comes through. Takes nearly no strength and whatever is opened or close is permanent unless the user wants otherwise.
—Law Liberation: Able to free themselves from physical laws, rules of logic, and the laws of physics, but only three at once, one at a time from each.
—Body Baron: Has full and total control over their bodies with their minds, enabling them to do things like control any biological capabilities, systematic capabilities, physical and mental attributes, and all the natural phenomena and energies the (their) human body gives off, (A/N: bio-fields, Electromagnetism (together and separate), bodily vibrations of all kinds, bio-energy, rhythm, etc). The potential of this ability all depends on the user's creativity and understanding of the science.
—Astral Regen: Can use some of their astral power to heal injuries on their physical body
—Lacerator Of Life: Able to manifest their life line and you it as a whip or to bind others. It cannot not be broken under any circumstances other than the user being killed.
Lord Of Liberation: Can embody chaos itself, this becoming uncontrollable and unpredictable in EVERY aspect imaginable, allowing them to achieve Chaos Incarnate

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