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"I'm finally here." Said a girl. She had purple hair at the front and a black ponytail at the back head. She wore a purple long-sleeved shirt, purple finger-less gloves, a white communicator on her right arm, black jeans and indigo boots with rollerskates attached to them (She just needs to push a button to activate the rollerblades). She is carrying a purple backpack with her hands.

She walked from the train station and once she is out, she activated her rollerskates and skated away.

Meanwhile, with the TKs (Tenkai Knights [Too lazy])...

"A female Tenkai Knight?! And you don't mean that Vanetta girl?!" Asked Ceylan.

"Yes. And she is going to arrive here soon, so why don't you just wait back here and I'll tell you when she arrives." Said Mr. White.

"Well it's worth a shot." Said Guren.

About 20 minutes later they were still waiting and Toxsa has had enough.


While he was ranting, he was cut off by the store bell ringing.

"Ah yes. Come in. Come in." Said Mr. White to the costumer. The four look out to see a the girl from the train station.

"Thanks Mr. White." Said the girl. "Where are the other 4 you told me about?"

"They're back here. Let me show you the way." He led her to where the four are and the boys are surprised that she was the knight, because she didn't look as fierce as Mr. White described her to be.

"My name is Elina Hazel. Tenkai Sonic, Syrenica."

"I'm Guren Nash. Tenkai Power, Bravenwolf."

"The name's Ceylan Jones. Tenkai Speed, Tributon."

"Toxsa Dalton. Tenkai Strenght, Valorn."

"Hey, I'm Chooki Mason. Tenkai Agility, Lydendor."

"Nice to meet you all." Elina said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too." The other four said.

"So Elina, wanna get to know each other at Toxsa's sister café?" Asked Guren.

"You mean at Wakamei's? Sure." Elina said shrugging.

"Uh... You know my sister?" Asked Toxsa.

Elina nodded. "She was my sister's friend."

"Your sister's friend? WAIT! You mean, you're Erica's kid sister?!" Asked Toxsa surprise. Elina nodded.

"Uh... You know her?" Asked Ceylan.

"No. But i know her sister. Erica and Wakamei were really good friends, until Erica had to move somewhere for her collage." Said Toxsa.

"I don't really go out that much. I prefer spending my time somewhere alone." Elina said looking out the window.

"Reminds me of Gen." Ceylan muttered. The other three sweatdroped.

"Anyway, let's get going." Said Chooki.

They went off to Wakamei's on their bikes though Elina skated there. At the café, Wakamei saw Elina and she welcomed her excitedly.

"So Elina, where's Erica? Or is she still in collage?" Asked Wakamei.

"Uh... Um... She's uh..."

"I haven't been able to contact her for a year now. She never called back like her voice mail said she would. I hope she didn't forget me. I'm like her BFF."

"Who wouldn't want to forget you?" Toxsa muttered.

"TOXSA!!!" Wakamei started to chase Toxsa, while Elina look down at the floor with her eyes covered.

"She's gone." She said. Then the two stopped.

"Gone? As in "gone" gone?" Asked Wakamei, a bit shaky.

"Gone to somewhere else or gone to limbo?" Asked Toxsa.

"She's dead." Elina said coldly.

Everyone there, but mostly Wakamei, was shocked.

"You mean your an orphan?" Asked Ceylan.

Elina nodded. "Been that way for a year. I only moved here now because i have a friend that lives here. 2 friends actually."

"Who?" Asked Guren.

Chooki nudged him. "Not the best time Guren."


"You know them already." Said Elina.

"We do?" Asked Ceylan.

"They're closer to you than you think. But if i tell you now, it'll only mess things up. You know, the whole Tenkai Knight thing."

"Why are you suddenly talking like Gen now?" Asked Ceylan.


"Oh great. Now your silence made you exactly like him."

"Hm." She got up and left the café.

"Oh great Ceylan! You made her upset." Said Guren.

"I was just trying to be social."

"Let's follow her."

"Not a good idea Toxsa."

"You got a better one Chooki?"

"I'm just saying. Maybe we should just leave her alone for the fime being. I mean, you did kinda press the matter about her sister."

"Hm... Alright fine. Let's just meet her at the junk shop tomorow."


Friends huh? Elina thought while walking down the street. She looked up at a certain building and smirked. Time to pay him a visit.

She jumped in to face a certain black hair boy.

"Tch, nice to see you again."


"Alone again, naturally."

"What do you want?"

"Not much."

"Then how soon can you leave?"

"Not soon enough, that's for sure."

"If you're here to-"

"I'm not on Vilius side, and i know you aren't either."


"As you wish, Gen." She stepped onto one of the large windows then stopped. "By the way, those friends of yours, they're quite interesting."

"Do NOT make me repeat my words."

"Just saying. TTYL."

"I certainly hope not."

Then she disappeared into the moonlight. Gen glared at where she was standing and continue to plan something with Beni watching everything that just took place.

"She's a good addition to us isn't she?"

"She isn't a tool Beni. But she is one of us, and at the same time, one of them."

"Which side will she stay on?"

"We'll just have to wait and see. The answer might be closer than we think."

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