Talk and Fix

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Talk and Fix (Tenkai)

~Elina's POV~

I'm still upset about that time. It's only two day but still, i hadn't talked to him since. It's killing me!

"Gah! That's it, i'm calling him!" I yelled. I dialed his number and he picked up.

"Yeah? What is it Lina?" He asked.

I'm kinda surprised since he didn't show any signs of anger but still. "Look... About the other day, i just want to say that I'm really sorry! It just came out ok?"


"T-that's it? You're not mad?"

"No. Why would i be?"

"B-but i..."

"I know you didn't mean it, so relax."


"No problem."

"I-i uh..."


"L-look, can we just meet up somewhere? I don't feel right, talking over the screen like this..."

"Sure. The park in an hour?"

"Fine by me."

So we did. With every step closer, i just get even more nervous. Seriously, he forgive me just like that? I thought it would be harder.

We met up and it was a pretty uncomfortable silence.

"So?" Gen said. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I-i just... Are you sure you're fine with what i said?"


"For real?" He nod. "Thanks. But seriously, how can you just do that?"



"Just... In a way."


"...... Just forget about it. Let's just forget this whole thing ever happened."

"Fine by me."

I don't know what's going on, but after i said that, he just out right kissed me! On. The. Lips.

"W-what the...?" I'm blushing. Hard.

"I think your brother already told you, didn't he?" Gen said.

"Uh... Um... Y-yeah but i didn't think that..."

"I know right? I only started to feel like this about a week ago. When we were at the Dojo. A little bit before that maybe."

"O-oh... I see." I said, still shuttering.

"So... How about it?" He asked. "Would you um... Y-you know, go out with me?"

"....... Yes...... Holy nights YES!" i said hugging him. It stayed that way for a while but then we realized how embarrassing it is so we let go of each other.

"Although... I always thought you liked Beni." I said to him.

"No. She likes Guren. At least i think so." Said Gen. Then his communicator beeped. "Speaking of Guren. We better head to the Dojo, he wants us there..."

"Sure." I said. And we head straight there. It sure feels good to be back with your bestie, especially if that bestie is your love.

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