Chapter : 1

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In office :

Secretary : yes we can't sign this project without mam's sign, and she said no to it....

Jungkook : where is she (slamming the table)

Secretary : sir, in her office...

And he walked towards her office, where she is flirting with clients...

Jungkook : sign those paper right now (through the paper infront of her)

Tara : get out...

Jungkook : what? (surprised)

Tara : what? What can't you hear, I said get out from here and I'm not going to sign this stupid project of yours.....

Jungkook : tara you being out of my limit now.....

Tara : o really, I thought its already broken.

Jungkook : why are you doing this just stop this nonsense, I have divorced you already.

Tara : did you think it's enough.

Jungkook : you know that, I'm gonna kill you.

Tara : try me, I'm not week like before.

Jungkook : TARA (slamming the table)

Tara : AND I SAID GET OUT...(standing in front of him)

Then taehyung come inside the cabin (jungkook's secretary informed him)

Taehyung : stop this guys, you used to be all lovey dovey and look at you now can't you be like before....

Both together : NEVER....

Tara : I was not in my age to think about life...... It's just he influenced me.

Jungkook : I influenced you, you are the one who distract me from my business and everything.

Tara : because of you I have to see so many bad things in my life.

Jungkook : because of you I lost my all power of being mafia.

Tara : like it's very proud to be a mafia and all this thing.

Jungkook : atleast I was happy...

Tara : happy my foot, you were living like a animal I made you to live like a human.

Jungkook : yup why not, I was a happy animal...

Tara : atleast you accept it that you was a animal.

Jungkook : exactly...... Happy.... Also since that day I meet you my life become a whole zoo.

Tara : and you are the unique creature of that zoo.

Taehyung : STOP IT GUYS.... STOP IT

Both together : shut up.... You stay away from this matter.

And they both left the office together...

Client : they used to be together and look at them now, can't even spent a minute without fighting.....

Taehyung : Hmmm, everything got ruined..

Client : even after leave mafia thing she is not satisfied?

Taehyung : she is sick of being attacked or follow....... That's why she is taking out her anger...

Client : what about their kids...?

Taehyung : she didn't let anyone meet them not even me...

Client : I pity jungkook...

Taehyung : me also...

And they both signing deeply....


??? : are you sure they are not together?

Man : yes sir..

??? : confirm it again...

Man : ok, sir

??? : And arrange a meeting with Ms. Highness, if she want her revenge on that mafia...

Man : ok, sir


Jimin : you should sign that paper it's important project for jungkook...

Tara : I don't Care....

Jimin : just forget about past and start a new future princess.

Tara : I can't let him forgets me, he destroyed my life now its my time to distroy his life and so precious business of his....

Jimin : you know within last year how much he lost...

Tara : Their is more to lose

Jimin : tara...

Tara : are you with him or me.

Jimin : ofcourse, I'm with you princess. And always will be.

Tara : btw how's Yn?

Jimin :w-what are you talking about, what would I care about her... She is just my secretary.

Tara : look at your face... And you say you don't feel anything about her. Look jimin you're geeting old you should get settle like everyone.

Jimin : and what about you?

Tara : I already have a boyfriend don't worry about me.

Jimin : and who is this boyfriend of yours?

Tara : someone you don't know....

Jimin : how is he?

Tara : handsome, rich and all my type.

Jimin : then I would like to meet him

Tara : ofcourse why not.


At Tara's home :

She just walked in and start pouring a glass of water for herself and suddenly she feel someone behind her.

And before she could turn someone but his hand on her mouth and waist and drag her toward her bedroom and through her on the bed.

Tara : you (scared)

Jungkook : yes me..... Now you have something to say (smirk)

...................... To be continued.................

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