Chapter : 4

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He walked inside bedroom......But tara
She is sleeping...

Jungkook pov :

How can you sleep, after making me so angry....

Remember that you're mine and always going to be mine.

Why flirt with stranger, flirt with me naa as much as want.


Tara : really....

Jungkook : you can read my mind?

Tara : obviously, I know you.

Jungkook : so you were not sleeping?

Tara : who can sleep in this critical situation.

Jungkook : don't worry i'll handle everything.

Tara : I never worried, I know you gonna handle.. Just like a good hubby.

Jungkook : when you going to be a good wife? (smiling)

Tara : what? Am I not good wife?

Jungkook : (hovering over her) then be a good wife..... (smirking)

Tara : you are so pervert.....remember your age jagiyaa. You are not anymore a teenager.

Jungkook : o really, then why everyone still crazy about me.

Tara : they are crazy for your sexy body.

Jungkook : and you...?

Tara : well I'm not apart from this world....


At Office.

They were in meeting.....and her phone start ringing.

Tara : excuse me....

Tara : hello...

Jackson : hiii, cutie....i heard you are go irritated by your ex husband.

Tara : I am

Jackson : then lets meet.

Tara : why would I meet you. What you gonna do about it.

Jackson : you gonna be super rich and got rid of your so cold ex husband.

Tara : ok, at my place?

Jackson : ok, I'll be their

They Hang up...

Jackson : baby girl now you gonna help me, to do what I want (smirk)


At her home :

She was about to walk inside and put her door password...... But door is wide open.

She walked inside carefully.


Jackson : hey, beauty... How are you?

Tara : beautiful as always.

Jackson : well no doubt, you are beautiful.

Tara : tea or coffee?

Jackson :  nothing.... Just you..... I mean want to talk with you.

Tara : say it then....

Jackson : if you want to take revenge on your ex husband..... I have a very great plan...

Tara : and why you want to help me? Without your profit.

Jackson : who says it's not profitable for me......

Tara : explain me please....

Jackson : you have to make your ex hubby busy in you...... And I'll help you ruin him.... Destroy him.

Tara : exactly how so?

Jackson : I'm gonna supply my drugs here and make everyone addicted to it. But right now your ex hubby stopped me doing it.

So you have to help me, we'll going to be super rich.

Tara : like super super rich?

Jackson : yup....

Tara : but are not we gonna get arrest by custom and cop's?

Jackson : they are on my side, and some popular politician's are on my side......i just need you execute my plan.

Tara : I want 50 % profit.

Jackson : what? No just 10 %

Tara : exit is that way (pointing towards main door)

Jackson : how can i give you that much profit...... Their are so many people for sharing.

Tara : but still you want me, even after having so many politician you can't make your drugs enter in this country......

Don't you think so i need 50 %

Jackson : 20 %

Tara : I'm not interested..... Go away.

Jackson : 30 %

Tara : I'm so happy with the money I have, I don't need your presentage.

Jackson : ok 35 % it's last which I I can offer you.....

Tara : mmmmmm..... It's low then I expect.

Jackson : 40 %

Tara : done deal.

Jackson : then we'll discuss our plan next time.

Tara : ok

He was about to walk out..... But she said.

Tara : keep your hands away form my kids and jimin also.

Jackson : what do you mean? I didn't do anything.

Tara : you are so inoccent or thing I'm idiot.

I'm talking about y/n........ Your sister.

Jackson : how you know?

Tara : don't play oversmart with me... I'm queen here.

.................... To be continued..................

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