Chapter : 18

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After first birthday of star :

Tara start handing business and jungkook start spending time with kids.

Tara in office :

So this project should be on...... Cut by her phone ring.

On phone

Tara : what now?

Jungkook : where is jiwoo's playing clothes.

Tara : in his cupboard.. Obviously.

Jungkook : it's not here, I have looked at it like 100 times.

Tara : then for one time look with your eyes jungkook.... I'm here to work not to dictate you what is where I'm house. Bye

Jungkook : but....... (phone got cut)

Jiwoo : what does mumma said?

Jungkook : she said let's go some other day for playing. Hmmmm

Jiwoo : appa, I wanna go my all friends are going to there for play.

Jungkook : ok... Ok.... What about we buy new clothes? Hmmm how's the idea?

Jiwoo : I want my play clothes, those are lucky for me..... Nothing else.

Jungkook : ok ok lets look together (tara is right handling home is way more difficult than company, specially when you have demon like kids.....

Well don't mind i love my kids but now I know why tara called them demon...... They are hell stubborn and demanding, God knows how she handle them)

Jiwoo : got it appa..... Bye appa I'm going.

Jungkook : bye...

Misoo : appa?

Jungkook : (not again) yes princess.

Misoo : let's play princess princess....

Jungkook : ok, let's go......

Baby crying voice.....

Jungkook : let's feed star first.

Misoo : ok

Jungkook try to feed her but she is crying continously...

Jungkook : baby stop crying, appa is here stop crying..... Please.

Misoo do you know what to do?

Misoo : I don't know (teary eyes, she can't see her baby sister crying)

Jungkook : don't cry baby (voice cracking)

She is crying for half an hour not stopping at all so he called Tara.

On phone :

Tara : what now (irritated)

Jungkook : (cracking voice) cupcake, she is....

Tara : what happen...

Jungkook : she is crying continously I don't know what to do? I can't see her crying.

Tara : wait I'm coming.

When she reach home, jimin is also there, i guess Misoo called him. They are trying to stop her crying.

When I went inside jungkook give star to me and said..... Stop her crying, I can't see my cupcake crying.

Well they are glaring me like this that I made her cry.

I took her in my arms and rock her back and front, she is still crying then I took her to room and give her some stomach cramp medicine.

And come back, she stopped crying after some time and slept in my arms.

Jimin : you should be at home to take care of her (angry)

Jungkook : yes, stop going company I'll handle company and you stay with kids, they need you.

Jimin : yes, now stop working....

Tara : wait a minute, it's not my idea to work on first place and who the hell are you to stop me.. Hnnnn

I'm not going to stop working, (ego)

Jimin : TARA....

Tara : WHAT?

Jimin : stay home and take care of star.

Tara : no, I'm not... She can stay away from me. She is whole one year old.

Jimin : why are you not understanding you responsibility of being a mom.

Tara : o excuse me, I have handle my two kids without any one help so don't teach me how to be a mom.

Jimin : if anything happen to to star I swear I'm gonna kill you.

Tara : try me. You know what just go from here, I know how to handle my kids and husband.

Jimin : you don't handle them, you control them. And I'm not going anywhere, star is my daughter.

Tara : omg, since when.... As per i know she is my daughter.

Jimin : I spend most of my time with her.

Tara : spending time with her don't make her your daughter.

(baby crying)

Jimin : look you made her cry again.

Tara : (took her in room to feed her) go from here, no need to come back.

Jimin : I'm not dieing to meet you.

Tara : me neither.

................... To be continued................

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