Chapter : 15

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Sorry for this late update, but now a day I'm super busy even if I'm not doing anything, I feel tired to write or think about story.

Next month is my brother's wedding and here are so many things to prepare so much work then collage stuffs also. So I did not get any time to think about story.

............... Let's start the story probably last few chapters...........

It's afternoon time and Tara she is sleeping in her room (don't forget she is pregnant so rest is needed)

BTS and rajveer they are prepare to attack chinu (like seriously i forget what was his real name).

Jin and jimin they both are with tara like North ploe and South ploe of a magnet, so she said she'll sleep so they can Leave her in her apartment.

It's not like that they are going somewhere, they are leaving right front of her apartment in another apartment.

But they are so unaware what's going to happen.

As she is sleeping, jungkook come inside her apartment not lating anyone know about his presence.

He walked inside her room where she is sleeping so carefree like a baby, one hand on her stomach and another on somewhere on bed. She is slepping on her back facing bed.

Jungkook walked inside and sit beside her caressing her cheeks and then stomach, feeling good that she is safe.

Jungkook pov : why you always make me so worried about you. You know I don't even wear a shirt without your permission and here you planing all this without me.

Don't you trust me info to call or lean on, why always doing what you want you hurt me so bad jeon Tara highness.

And as she is a light sleeper but because of pregnancy she want to wake up but her body is not allowing her........ After struggling so much she opened her eyes.

And looked towards jungkook, but she thought it's a dream.

She touched his face with her hand and smiled a little mumbering "I love you" and opened her hands to hug him.

He leaned and hugged her she fall asleep again in his embrace, that warmthy of his making her feel secure and safe.

After awhile he picked her up and went towards main door, she snuggled more in his chest...... As he is walking on time jin and jimin come out to check on her.

Jin and jimin : kookie (low voice)

Jungkook : I'm taking her, and I dare you to stop me.

(Tara she wake up when jin and jimin said jungkook's name.)

Tara : I dare you...... While being comfortable in his arms.

Jungkook looks down towards her and said.

Jungkook : jeon Tara highness, I'm taking you and nobody gonna stop me and even you.

Tara : why are you doing this... I'm so

Jungkook : what I'm doing? What are you doing? Being all mafia and all that.

Tara : I'm not a mafia.

Jungkook : o really, because I'm getting a full vibes of a mafia.

Jin : mafia queen. (smiles)

Jungkook : did you make me stop doing all this to take over it hnnnn

Tara : no, it just I'm super angry on that drug dealer. I can't help it.

Jungkook : so you're angry on that drug dealer for minho or on chinu for Mr. Highness?

Tara : (shocked but still answered him) both but how you get to know?

Jungkook : I do have my ways.... So I'm letting you take your revenge, as I have no way to stop you.

Stoping you is impossible.

Tara : (smiling) atleast you know.

Jungkook : but I have some condition you have to follow them.

Tara : what condition?

Jungkook : first, be safe second, be more safe and third I'm coming with you.

She smiled and nod her head.... They both looking each other so loveablely.

Jimin : are not she heavy (she is still in his arms)

Jungkook : No (looking towards her)

Jin : o really didn't you said she become fat now a day.

Jungkook : (scared) what? What are you saying, when did I said that.

Tara : so I'm being fat.... Hannnn (sarcastic smile)

Let's go in room.

Jungkook : what?

Tara : we need to talk lets go.

...................... To be continued................

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