Chapter : 8

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You are week, it's not fun playing with you..... Then I'll send you a address go and collect your kids.... Within 30min

Otherwise I'm gonna change my mind.

And he hung up the call.....

And she got a text message she opened it and her family photo come infront of her eyes....

And she got another text.... She smiled a little.

And she walked towards her car and started driving....

??? : where is she going?

Man : sir, she is.... She is inside a parlor..... Getting pedicure and massage.

??? : what? Follow her (what kind of game is she playing with me, is she gone mad or what)

Man : sir, she is inside mall.... Shoping some dress.

??? : what? Are you sure, you following right person?

Man :  yes sir.... I'm following her.

??? : then what is she doing...

Man : I don't know sir...

Sir, she driving again I'll follow her...

After driving for a while.....

Man : sir, she is going inside her house....


??? : what?

Man : her husband and kids are here infront of my eyes..... Are not they suppose to be on warehouse and company....???

??? : what, how can this be possible.. Her kids are in seoul bare house....

Man : I don't know but they are infront of me outside there house...

Suddenly he said, sir she is walking towards me.......stay there said by unknown man.....

And she come infront of him and ask for phone...... And he obediently give her the phone....

Tara : so what you think... What happen all of sudden.... How, why, where.... So many questions naaa...

Then let me tell you, this game is always mine.... And I'm the ultimate player of this game.

And Haa.. One more thing, every 24 hour you are going to feel your empire getting distrory..... And these are queens word.

And she  cut the call....

And there he destroyed his phone and start screaming like a psychic....

How can this happen....

How can she.....


I'm gonna destroy her...

And some of his man's come and said

' sir theirs a fire in our seoul barehouse, and everything is ruined completely'

And he start screaming more loudly and start destroying everything there.

You have to pay for this.... You have to

And here comes tara..... And bts asked her how she did this...?

And then she explained.....

Well well..... I know he going to do something like this.... As I know so I'm so carefull about everyone's security and specially my kids......

So when he kidnapped them I got to know before he call me...

And I called kai and give him location of jiwoo and misoo.... As because of locket they have.

So, kai took care of them... And my kids are super brave.

And about company...... Jungkook is super talented, who can dout him.

I mean he is one who hand every project of mine so well.... That his own projects get a little bit fail....

But it doesn't mean they are not going to sign project.....

Well I must say he played well but I'm more genius then him....

And my acting skills are on top level, what you say...

BTS : not acting drama capacity is on top level.......

Suga : but what now........

Tara : well he got one shock, next will be on 24 hour.... So wait well.

Jungkook : atleast tell me naa..... You're scaring me.

Tara : it's ok, I like when you are scared..... You give me a protective feeling.......

Namjoon : so let's wait for next blast....

.................... To be continued.................

But who is he????

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