Day 1: Monday

512 11 3


First of:
Feel free to comment, if it's critical criticism or just funny comments -I don't mind, at least you're friendly ;)

Also you can tell me if there are grammar mistakes, because english isn't my first language.

I sincerely would appreciate votes and comments ;)



"Nick have you got your toothbrush, yet?"

Karl rushed into the bathroom, interrupting Nick, who was ironically brushing his teeth. His eyebrows rose up. He opened his mouth full of toothpaste to speak.

"I've got it."

The toothpaste swallowed out of his mouth dripping onto his shirt. A small curse left his lips and he began washing out the white patch.

"George are you finished?"

Karl shouted over to the on the ground sitting George, who looked up his bag and nodded.

Almost everything was ready for their one week roadtrip.

George looked back down to his suitcase. He had his clothing at the bottom of his bag. Nothing much just some sweats and hoodies, his underwear and socks. That had to be enough for one week. On top of that he had put his sleeping bag and some toilet paper (Important). His power bank and mobile phone went straight into his backpack, together with something to eat and a bottle of water.

They planned to drive through some woods of east Canada. Just a bit of camping and chilling around the fireplace, singing awful songs and having fun.

Alex wasn't ready at all. His bag was half open and only some clothes were put in. Karl had rushed him too, but he didn't seem to bother. He was focused on some other stuff. ;)

Karl went over to him, grabbing some clothes out of his closet and packing them into his bag.

"Alex! How haven't you packed at all?"

Alex just shrug his shoulders and put some personal stuff into his backpack.

"George, can you help him pack the rest of his stuff after you put yours in the car?"

George looked up from his bag and just nodded. He was so happy about Karl organizing all the stuff, so that he didn't have to do it. He hated stuff like that, organizing and shit.

His gaze shifted over to Alex sitting on his bag and trying to close it, not succeeding and cursing over it.

George stood up and hauled his bag over to the rented car. He opened the trunk and pushed his bag inside.

As he walked back trough the door inside their flat he saw Karl push Nick out of the bathroom trying to get him to put his bag inside the car. George went right by them and over to Alex.

"So, are you finished?" He mumbled not caring if Alex could understand him. All this chaos was stressing him out.

Alex had just started a new try of closing his suitcase. The lock clicked and Alex jumped up out of happiness and rushed over to George to hug him. He almost pulled him over, as George just stood there wanting to start driving and have a little bit of space.

They got Alex's bag into the car and right after that, Nick's too. Soon enough they could start driving.

Karl sat on the driving seat and Nick had made it comfortable for himself on the passenger seat. George had to sit in the back besides Alex.

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