Day 5: Friday

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Bright light pulled him back to consciousness. The dazzling light hurt his eyes and made it hard to open them.

His head hurt.

With one hand he touched his forehead, feeling heat resonating from his skin.

He pulled his hand back to his chest, holding onto it, as it began to tremble.

What had happened?

George slowly lifted his eyelids, opining his eyes completely as his pupils had acclimated to the bright light.

He sat inside of a white room, leaning against a wall, which seemed to be made out of some kind of bolster, like a noise barrier, all complete white.

Where was he?

He lifted his head, directing his gaze to the ceiling. It was white, just like everything else, annoyingly white.

His head turned around and he let his gaze shift around the empty room. There was no piece of furniture, it was completely and utterly blank. Only a mirror was hung up at the wall ahead of George, one big mirror, reflecting the endless white of the room.

George could see himself sitting at the wall, with deep bags under his eyes and a wound at his forehead, alarmingly red. His hand promptly lifted to his head and he stood up to inspect his wound in the mirror.

The red liquid had dropped down at the side of his head and had left a trace of blood in his hair. He furrowed his face in disgust and turned around again. The wound didn't seem to be life threatening, it didn't even hurt.

He walked back over to the wall he had sat against. His gaze shifted around the room again, not even capturing a door.

How did he get in here?

The last thing he remembered, before waking up, was the bunker he had walked into. He wanted to find Dream, to free Dream.
Wow, he really did great.
He set down again, leaning against the wall, with his eyes remaining at the ceiling as he began to remember.

He had walked through a dark tunnel.
Why hadn't he just used the flashlight of his phone? Then he maybe had seen the guy, who knocked him out, maybe he could've reacted and defended himself. He searched his pockets for his phone. They were all empty.
His phone, gone.

What was the last thing he had seen?

The door. The glassy door with the bright light behind it. There was medical equipment. But what for? Did they cut open Dream, or do they plan on doing that? For science, or what for? Of course nothing could excuse such behavior. What kind of people would do such a thing?

After some time had gone by, George could feel his stomach rumble. He hadn't eaten since noon and it was definitely paying off. It probably was already the next day and past breakfast. But not only his stomach hurt also his head had began to throb with the rhythm of his heart.

Suddenly a noice appeared behind the wall, George was sitting at. A sound like someone would scrape or scratch at the other side of the wall, trying to rip it open.

George was on his feet in less than a second, looking irritated at the wall in front of him. His look got even more afraid, as a big claw broke through the material of the wall, leaving a hole as it got ripped out again. George jumped back in an instant.

He somehow wished it was Dream breaking him free, but he knew Dreams claws, he knew they were a light brown with a touch of red. But this one wasn't. It was dark, almost black with some white sprinkles on it. It looked threatening and George pressed his body against the mirror, breathing heavily.

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