Day 3: Wednesday

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The first sun rays tickled George's nose. His back hurt from leaning against the wood of the tree. The air was fresh and cold. George could see little clouds forming with every breath leaving his lips.

Why was he even in the middle of the woods and not at their camp? Did he sleepwalk?

George tried to remember, but the memories were blurry like scraps out of a dream. He didn't know how he got to the place he woke up, but he could remember one specific thing.
He had seen a wolf turn into a human, into a guy George knew, into Dream. For George there was only one important question right now. Was that all real or just a dream?

He felt the desire to go straight to Dreams hut and ask him out. He wanted to know if he only had really weird dreams or if it all was reality.

His hand grabbed for some branches and pulled his body up. He stretched himself, directly followed by a yawn. He hadn't slept well and he was starving.

So the decision was made. He started walking back to their camp.

After several minutes, maybe an hour, George could make out the edge of the glade. A sigh of relief left his lips. Luckily, he didn't get lost this time.

As he stepped out of the shadow of the trees, the first thing appearing in his sight were his friends, who were talking unsettled with worried expressions.

The first to spot George was Alex.


His voice full of relieve.

"Where the fuck were you at? We all freaked out, when you were gone this morning."

George had a little smile on his face. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I had to get my mind free and got lost in the woods, had to sleep there. Sorry for making you worry, I didn't mean to."

Nick stepped next to Alex.

"It's ok, just tell us next time you plan on getting lost."

Karl giggled form behind at the sarcastic request and stepped forward.

"So, breakfast?"

They all nodded in agreement and went to make their food. Right before George wanted to follow, he could see the wolf stand behind a tree. He felt the urge to just run over to him and force him to change, but he resisted and followed his friends to get something to eat.

Maybe it really was just a dream.

After they have eaten Nick, Karl and Alex wanted to search for the workshop, they had seen on their way through the woods.

George didn't want to go with them. His priorities were to find Dream and ask him out. Maybe George could get evidence to proof his dream wasn't just a dream, but reality.

So he just stated to need some space and time for himself. He knew the others were worried about him. Normally George wasn't like that. He didn't want to be away of his friends. Most of the time he wanted to do cool things with them. But right know he just didn't feel the urge to go with his friends. His curiosity was bigger and it literally drew him over to Dreams cottage.

After the three went off, George started to head off to Dreams house.

The walk was longer than George had expected and a feeling of hunger started to tingle at his stomach.

It made the rest of the way unbearable. But as George could spot the first sign of Dreams cottage, he took a deep breath and headed towards it without any further hesitation.

He stepped in front of the wooden door and as he wanted to knock and slowly lifted his hand, someone tackled him down from his left side. His body hit the ground harshly, face pointed at the undergrowth. He could feel the attacker fall onto him and within seconds the weight was relieved and strong hands grabbed onto George's arms.

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