Day 6: Saturday

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TW: past abuse


The singing of birds made George slowly open his eyes and glimpse in the rising sun.

His head rested against something warm and soft to the touch. It was slowly rising and falling, something alive.

He first was irritated of his surroundings, but soon remembered where he had fallen asleep the past night. He let his head shift to the side, lay on top of Dreams chest. He listened to the soft sound of his heartbeat, beating in sync with his own.

The slowly rising and falling chest of Dream let George feel safe in his embrace. The other boys arms entangled around George's waist, holding him in place.

He let his fingers trace over Dreams knuckles. They were rough, the nature had clearly left its markings on him.

He lifted his head and took a look at the beautiful sleeping face of his boy. His eyes were shut and graced with thick eyelashes, his nose delicate and his mouth slightly opened, to let in some air. Those slightly parted and incredibly soft looking lips, tempted George to think about what it would be like to place his own on the others. How his lips would hover over Dreams, only inches away, how Dreams breath would feel on his lips, would ever so slightly touch his skin and give him goosebumps all over his body.

George couldn't deny that he felt some kind of affection towards Dream. He really liked him. He only had to break to Dream gently that he had to tell his friends about Dreams biggest secret. George didn't know how they would react. He didn't even know if they believed in such things. But more was he afraid of how Dream would react to George's decision to tell them. He didn't want to risk loosing Dream, but also not his family.

George could feel the blonde slightly move beneath him, mumbling in his sleep. He chuckled at the adorable sound, still resonating inside his mind, which made him smile. Such a murderous creature, that George had seen in Dream as he brutally ended one of the guards life, could be such a softie. His face peacefully relaxed in his sleep.

George didn't know he could get attached so easily. He had known Dream for only some days now, but still it felt like he had known him for ages. His mind was sure of Dream being one of George's closest friends, but his heart told him there was more. More than just a friendship, Dream wasn't alike his other friends. But George loved it, loved the way Dream felt beneath him, how his breathing synced with George's, how his ever so soft voice would call for him.

George directed his gaze to the blue morning sky, only some clouds gracing its beauty. He wanted to melt into the moment, lay like this forever, with Dream, together alone, forever.

But of course, no peaceful moment can hold on long, because Ranboo stepped out of the cave. He stretched his arms, let out a groan and looked amused at the two boys curled up together. George instantly shushed him, Dream didn't have to wake up yet. The taller one made an understanding face and walked off into the woods.

George questioned himself what Ranboo might think about their relationship. How deep it was. George didn't even know, the only thing clear to him was, that he would do anything to stay with Dream, to be forever on his side, conjoined with his dearest person.

A soft movement pulled George out of his thoughts. His gaze interlocked with Dreams weary eyes. A quiet grunt escaped Dreams lips as he pulled himself up, now leaning against the wall with George in his lap. The brunettes head rested against Dreams chest, clearly hearing every pound of the blondes heart.

"Morning, darling." His low but gentle morning voice let a shiver run down Georges spine. How did Dream manage to let him feel like this all the time? A small chuckle escaped the brunettes lips.
"Morning, idiot." George copied Dreams american accent, clearly failing. Dream let out a laugh, which came out more like a wheeze, letting George chuckle.

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