Day 4: Thursday

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The first sun rays appeared in the sky, the light tickling on George's nose and waking him up. It has been like that for some mornings now and normally he would miss his bed at home and his dark room, but he didn't. He didn't miss sleeping almost the whole day, he didn't miss being up too late and he didn't miss his work. The work, which has been way too stressful the last few weeks.

He loved being away from all the stressful stuff he had to do at home. It was relaxing and he loved that feeling of just being free. Free with your movements and free with your decisions.

He had made a new friend. A special one. Someone who wasn't a friend like all the others George had. He was different, not only because he was a shapeshifter, but more with his appearance to George. Dream was so gentle around him, he was nice and kind, helpful and caring. Not that his other friends weren't, but it was different. George felt different around Dream than he does around his other friends.

He felt something new. Something he couldn't name or call out. A feeling that was just there, but didn't want to be expressed, ...yet.

George slowly opened his eyes and blinking due the bright light. He had thought about many things the last few days. In any case much more than he had thought before.

He opened his sleeping bag and stood up. A cold shiver run down his spine. It was fresh this morning. Didn't they have summer?

Anyway, George had to get dressed. His pajamas was really embarrassing, white with little black smiley faces all over it.

In a hurry he grabbed over to the other side of his tent grabbing some clothes and changing real quickly.

As he stepped outside and stretched his limbs Nick stepped out of his tent too, right followed by Karl. A wide smile rested on Karl's face and with one hand he brushed through his hair, trying to bend it. George let out a chuckle, he knew what chemistry was between them, even though they won't see it themselves.

George got over to their car, opened the trunk and took out some cereals and milk. He held it in the air yelling for Alex to wake up and to come for breakfast.

After some minutes, all four friends sat in a circle, peacefully eating their cereals and chatting about nothings. George was with his thoughts again by Dream. He knew that Dream probably hadn't slept much the last night. More like being a wolf and hunting some wild animals to eat. He probably wouldn't eat cereals with them for breakfast. But did he really only eat meat? Because he was also part human, so doesn't he also like normal food, like they do?

"George! Are you even listening?"

Alex wove with his hand before George's face, checking if he was mentally present.


George really hadn't listened to them.

"Sorry, what were you talking about?"

Nick stepped in and told Georg what they, like it seems, just had discussed.

"So George, we thought maybe we could, like you know, do something together, but not just us more like also with Dream."

George rose his eyebrows. They wanted to spend time with Dream? But then George wouldn't have time alone with his mysterious boy, but he wanted to ask so many more question...

"Is that ok for you? Dream seems like a cool guy."

Nick asked cautiously.
George desperately wanted to say no, he wanted to be alone with Dream.

"Yes, of course that's okay, all fine, why wouldn't it be."

George nodded and spooned bite after bite more cereal into his mouth. It was fine to be around Dream with all his friends. But George knew he didn't want them to discover Dreams secret, so he had to be cautious.

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