Day 2: Tuesday

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The birds sang a lovely melody, sitting on the trees, shining in the rising sun.

George had woken up early this morning. He couldn't sleep well in other environments. His sleeping bag had held him warm over the night, but in the morning it got unendurable. He had gotten up, quietly trying not to disturb his friends.

As he stepped out of their tent the first sun rays welcomed him trough the trees. He walked over to the bench and set down, listening to the birds and letting his gaze shift trough the beautiful view of nature. It shifted along some trees with black birds on some of the branches, a squirrel climbing their trunks and a wolf standing under a log. The same light brown wolf from the evening before. The same one with the bright green eyes.
Do wolfs have green eyes normally? George didn't know, but he guessed it wasn't common. The wolf was now appearing for the second time in a short period.
Maybe it wanted to protect its territory?
George slowly stood up from the bench, quietly moving backwards to the tent. The green staring eyes of the wolf were somehow terrifying George, but at the same time he just wanted to get lost in them, continue looking at the elegant sight of the wolf. Odd.

Before he could reach the tent, the zipper of it opened, Alex stumbled out and the wolf ran away into the dark woods.

"Ah, good morning George!"

Alex brushed trough his hair, immediately putting his beanie back on.


George mumbled quietly nodding at him and crawling into the tent. Nick laid on his mattress with Karl right on him. Karl's head rested on top of Nick's chest, their arms entangled.

George quietly chuckled grabbing a blanket and leaving the tent again.

He saw Alex sit on the bench, his arms behind his head, looking up in the sky. George got over to him, sitting down next to him and nestling into his cover.

"Isn't it a beautiful day?"

Alex sounded relaxed. George liked it when his friends were happy. He would never say it out loud or admit it in the presence of his friends, but he was glad to have them.
Should he tell Alex about the wolf, he just saw, the wolf he saw twice now?

George decided to leave it as a secret. He didn't want the others to get worried, he didn't want them to get scared.

Ever time that George had thought about this mysterious wolf, he somehow had felt something like attachment. He somehow felt connected to the appearance of this creature, to the sight of it.

His sleepy eyes fell shut, as he sat in the warm morning sun.

He saw the light brown hair of the wolf directly in front of his face, fondle around his knees, the bright green eyes stare into his, who couldn't move due the paralyzing stare. Just one feeling that told him not to let go of the sight, to hold onto it, to not ignore it.

"Shhh, George fell asleep."

George could hear Alex whisper to someone. He slowly opened his right eye, seeing Nick look over to Karl. They both started giggling and a split second later they had pulled George's cover away.

"Hey! What's wrong with you. It was comfy."

George made an angry face, but didn't hold onto it. They all started to laugh out loud ending in giggles.

Nicks stomach rumbled and he made an exhausted expression.

"Guys, I'm hungry."

He stood up and walked over to the car, grabbing some cereal and a bottle of milk. Karl had followed him and had grabbed bowls and spoons. They came back over and set in front of Alex and George. The bench had an attached table, so they could easily use it to eat at.

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