Day 7: Sunday

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The first sun rays tickled on George's nose.

He woke up in a known and comfortable position on top of Dream. His head still lay on the taller ones slowly rising and falling chest.

His heart was free of worries.
Everything felt... okay.

He hadn't had such a feeling in a long time. All his life had been about were worries and depressing thoughts. Thoughts that he shouldn't have had. He remembered himself thinking, that it wasn't worth it to keep fighting. He remembered it as too effortful, too much stress that surrounded him and his thoughts. He had always felt like everything set him under pressure. But now, right now everything seemed to be like it was wiped away, pushed out of his reach.

He had found someone, who would just listen, who wouldn't expect anything from him, wouldn't pressure him to tell everything about his past, to open up about his problems.

He knew his therapist just wanted to help him. She did good, but George always felt some kind of pressure lay on him, every time he had entered her office. Niki had told him he didn't have to tell her about his past, she always tried to take the pressure off of George. It hadn't been effective. The thoughts that told him, he wasn't worth it, wasn't worth still walking around this earth, had returned. It was now that George realized those were deep depressive thoughts, which he had to talk about. He knew they wouldn't just disappear.

But he also knew he could manage to get over them, to defeat his dark side. He now had someone, who would always be at his side, who would never leave him alone with these humiliating thoughts.

George's lips tugged upwards and formed a smile, as he glanced at the blondes sun-kissed face, graced with little freckles. He had found someone, who made him happy, who made him forget about all the bad of the world they lived in, made him forget all the thoughts that weighed on him like a stone.

He kissed the blondes forehead, giggling at the sudden noice the one beneath him let out.

"Morning, idiot." George let the words out under his breath, only to be heard as a whisper. He could see the eyes of the blonde flutter open like wings of a butterfly. One color at the outside and many shades of green and brown at the inside, shining in the mild light of the morning.

The corners of his lips tucked upwards, revealing his perfectly shaped teeth in a wide smile. He let his hands gently brush through the brunettes thick curls, quiet chuckles left his lips. "You're just too adorable for being a real person, Georgie." Dreams voice was full of admiration.

George felt even happier at the soft voice complimenting him. He was sure they had slept longer than ever. He hadn't had good sleep for a long time. Before they got on this trip, George had never slept well, he had always slept for a long time for sure, but he never had had a good night sleep like this one.

"I'm happy to have you." George couldn't stop himself from saying his thoughts out loud. "And I like you, I really like you and don't wanna lose you." He hadn't realized he was so afraid of losing Dream. He always thought of Dream, who would always be there, who would never leave him, ever. But for the longer he thought about it, the more his mind told him that Dream had to stay in the woods and George couldn't. The brunette had to go back home.

"George, you're not gonna lose me." Dreams voice was reassuring. "You should know, I will always be there for you." His hand was laid on George's cheek.

The brunette shook his head. "But we're leaving today. We're going back home. But your home is-, is here." He pointed behind where the woods would be.

Dreams eyebrows furrowed. Hadn't George articulated his words right? Did he say something wrong?

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