A voice barely heard because it wasn't listened to
If someone was there, maybe it would've been different
But no, they didn't care enough to tryShattered
Broken to a point beyond repair
Nobody wants to try and fix it or put it together
Sometimes, all you want is for someone to be thereHurt
From the many lies taken like a slap in the face
Ugly, stupid, fat, nerd, don't you know words hurt?
The tongue can be the greatest weapon of allDisconnected
Distanced from everyone else because of "difference"
Why let those get in the way, just talk
Pushed away like something of unimportanceBetrayed
All the people who left me so they could protect themselves
Trampled on, used like a doormat, then left
You turn on me and leave me in the dustOverlooked
Treated like a thing, not a real person
Not a toy, but used for a while, then dumped
What happened to support? Am I really that insignificant?Alone
The biggest truth of them all, deserted
Walked away when I needed you most
Didn't you realize you could've helped?Alone.
It wouldn't have happened if you said something
Anything to pull me out of this hole
I'm slipping and there's nothing to hold me up
Somebody help me
Consumed in a pit if darkness
If only you had said something...