Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling better than I did before I slept, I was still a bit tired but it wasn't something I wasn't used to by now already. I got out of my sleep dress and wore my training clothes. If you're wondering why I was getting dressed in training clothes, its obvious really, for the past three years I've trained under a retired knight of the kingdom. He was so loyal to my father and after his death he disappeared with absolutely no trace, he was someone I had complete faith in and I trusted with my life. He was an immortal and the last of his kind to the best of my knowledge; if people knew he was alive they would be out to get their hands on him. I wasn't really worried about that but with time I've come to know him as someone that loves his peace. When my father was alive he protected him from others who wished to use him, now it was my turn but I wasn't strong enough, not yet at least.

"Again Aliya! When you're facing an opponent you need to be there 150%, you have no time to doubt yourself, no time to hesitate, no time to reason, no time to consider mercy. You only get one shot, one bloody good shot, just one strike Aliya, focus on intensity and frequency, make every move count. Again!" Lewis said

I really loved Lewis but he was a hard task master, at this point I was drenched with sweat and I was starting to get adrenaline rush, my speed increased and I could feel the blood in my veins. I really loved training and it helps me take off all the stress off my shoulders. We trained for another 2 hours then stopped to catch up on what happened today, Lewis wasn't only my instructor he was also my closest friend and confidant.

"Aliya so far I think you're on track and if the war commander is as you say then he would be too busy with war and his women to pay you any mind. He should be considered a pawn to create a perfect front to the kingdom" he casually said as we concluded training

"That aside Lewis how's the training of my soldiers, how many have passed the test so far?" I asked

"About 75 so far the remaining 25 will come along hopefully soon" he scratched his beards something I've come to know meant uncertainty;

You see Lewis personally trains a hundred persons including men and women for me and you might be wondering if his secret was at a risk of being exposed, well here it is, Lewis lives in an underground barrack right under the castle, it was big and spacious and you could only get in or out using a portal, think of it as a last minute safety net, the number one requirement to be a soldier in my army is to be blind. Lewis knows an ancient ritual that takes away your eyesight but enhances your magic and strength, every solider gets bound with a spirit sword and were known as spirit warriors. It seemed like a crude method but it was one the ancient emperor used to form his army and has proved effective, they were practically invincible, they've sworn their fealty to me and I was forever in their debt. We were a tight knit team and they played a huge role in my new world evolution. Losing their sight could be considered extreme but they could still move around easily using auras for sight. Trick is they weren't always blind and that in itself is a secret I would not be willing to share.

Lewis spoke about a few other things before I called it a day and left, nobody ever suspected that my handmaiden was blind or the fact that she was my right hand. I trusted her with my life and she was an excellent swordsman. Most of my men have integrated into the kingdom so well, let's just say I have a lot of eyes and ears in the kingdom, from the maids to the palace guards, to the soldiers and servants in the other households belonging to the Lords, to the very blind beggar on the street. I kept myself aloof of all happenings and like they say information is power.

Sneaking back into the castle was too easy a task as I was already accustomed to it by now, I got to my room and exhaustion claimed me before I could undress. I fell to the bed fast at sleep and knew that morning was just around the corner.

Morning came way too fast for me as I felt hands roaming my body and toying with my clothes, "who is trying to undress me" was the first thought that rushed into my mind followed by my panic that some creepy intruder was touching me. My reflex followed immediately as I rolled over so fast the intruder was beneath me. I heard a squeak as I opened my eyes and stared at familiar gray eyes that stared right back at me.

"What was Melissa doing here in my room, touching me no less?"I internally asked myself. Then my brain started slowly functioning, she was my trusted handmaiden and she was probably just trying to do her job and besides she was like my shadow always there and she wouldn't let some creep into my room without a hand or head being lost. I visibly relaxed and fell into her. Then it occurred to me that my weight could be crushing her and I raised myself on my elbows and looked down at her. She was staring at me all this while and I saw her eyes drift to my lips and back up to my eyes and she bit on her lower lip. I started feeling warm at my core and I knew I had to get up before I end up doing something that'll hurt her in the long run. Melissa was a beautiful woman and her body was pretty impressive but I was not in love with her, moments like this had me thinking of giving into my body and satisfying myself but I wanted to wait, I always thought that I was going to marry a woman I loved but now that this unplanned marriage to that animal has been set I don't know why I still wanted to wait but I did. I quickly got into the bath as she scrubbed me down and helped me get ready for the day.


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