Chapter 8

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Dami pov

I was at the end of my rope and I knew that I needed to seek for help that's why I called for the witch, she was resourceful and held vast knowledge, she was older by a few hundred years but don't get me wrong she didn't look her age. Romero, call the witch please to my quarters I need her to attend to the urgent matter at hand.

A few moments later.....

"My lord, you called urgently for me". Yes I did Mahesh its nothing serious but it something that has recently began to bother me, it might be nothing.

"Okay thanks the gods, you had me rushing down here thinking you were on fire; I have to consider my back in my old age you know", she said playfully.

"Oh come on Mahesh you don't look a day over 40 and you'll be that way for a long time" I said as I laughed along with her.

You see Mahesh was a friend, a sister, a mother basically everything. There was nothing she wasn't abreast with when it came to me and what went on in my life, so it would be strange not to include her now bedsides she controlled half of the kingdoms army and was my equal in every way when it came to strategy and the battle field.

So what is the big problem that has you so uncomfortable she asked quietly as she took a seat across from me on my king sized bed and crossed her legs.

I scratched at my head a little uneasy to share my problem. Spit it out Dami we don't have all day she said getting impatient

"Okay okay, so I've been having vivid sexual dreams for two days straight and I wake up and it feels so real, I wake up with my sheets soiled, body hot and leg weak and shaking, yesterday it happened while I was at lunch with the princess, Luckily it wasn't that obvious but it was just as bad and Romero had to help me back here".

She took a long pause as she seemed deep in thought, then she spoke

"I see, I meant to tell you yesterday but I was unable to find the time, while looking at the crystal balls I saw the bonding of two great blood lines in this kingdom but something strange happened, one was bonded to something just as powerful if not more. So I'm guessing the princess has two mates and needs to pick one but for now her needs will be yours and yours will be hers, unfortunately you'll have it the worse since you're the one with magic, your spirit is more sensitive and would feel her need ten times as worse, she won't feel it that much but it'll be there anytime you become needy. Her essence knows you belong together so it'll create these dreams to bring you guys together faster".

"Wow, I think I understand but about the two bonds what could that mean I asked curiously".

"Well it could be you and that Benjamin boy or someone else but you're the strongest person I know in this kingdom so your bond is definitely the stronger one. I don't know much though, I just see the stuff I won't always understand it" she said offhandedly as she pat me on the head and left.

Maybe I was over reacting, but I was beyond curious as to what the vision meant. I needed time to think, away from people and the kingdom in general. There was a forest just outside the kingdom, it was rumoured to be the home to unknown mysteries and as usual the common folk was scared to step foot in there, which made it one of the most quiet places in the world.

Riding on my horse in the middle of the night was one of the things I did secretly for my sanity. It wasn't the first time I was going to this forest, the beauty of this forest called out to me but for some reason this night seemed even more beautiful. I never wore my mask to this forest, deep inside me I knew that I could be bare her, I know I could reveal my truth without fear and all I wanted was to enjoy every minute I spend being myself, away from the kingdom, away from responsibility. It wasn't often I got to let my hair down or walk and feel the breeze on my face, I opted for normal clothes, a loose fitting shirt, some leather pants and a boot, my sword hung loosely around my waist. I climbed down my horse as I made my way to my secret spot in the forest, the night was quiet save for the animal noises but the full moon illuminated the beautiful enclosed part of the forest that was more like a garden. I breathed in deeply smelling the sweet murky sent that was the forest and I dropped down on the soft grass as I lay down to stare at the sky. I was so at peace until I heard noises that seemed like footsteps

*crunch crunch*

Then there was rustling of leaves and movement that sounded close to me, but I was confident that no one would find me here, partly because my magic helped create this enclosure, I decided that staying silent would eliminate the chances of me being found.

All too soon I knew how wrong I was in my deduction

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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