Chapter 6

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DAMI'S pov

Fuck yes I moaned so loud as I came undone beneath her, her face was blurry but I just knew she was so beautiful, I felt warm all over as I held her body tight against mine and brushed my fingers through her hair. I couldn't believe I was this happy, this was the happiest I've been in a while and I just wanted to enjoy it.

Kiss me I heard her say softly as she turned around and laid her lips on mine, I softly kneaded her breasts as she moaned into my mouth. I could feel myself heating up and I knew I wanted her again, I raised my eyes to look up at her face but it kept shifting in and out of focus and I could seem to make out her face. In no time we were at it again and I was already so deep in my throes of passion as I kept mumbling incoherent words

"Fuck yeah just like that ba..."


I jolted up from my sleep as I looked at the puddle beneath me, I hardly sleep with clothes on and the dream I had was so intense that I came in my sleep, I tried getting up but my legs were shaking and I couldn't seem to get my bearing back, my mind kept playing the dream over and over again and I was in a constant state of arousal.

Romero I called out to the officer that stood outside my door, he was my second in command and anything that could make him this anxious was worth my attention. He was the only one that knew my secret and I trusted him with my life.

Come in Romero I said out loud as I put on my robe and gathered myself, what seems to be the problem I asked absently as my mind was still on the dream I just had.

Commander an urgent message has been sent from the palace from her highness and she's requesting your presence by noon today for lunch. I groaned as I got up my head was pounding as I turned myself a glass of water as I took slow steady gulps as I read through the letter.

What does she want from me now, the last time I tried to speak I was rudely cut off and practically yelled at, I'll admit that she was hot when she was angry and I never knew her to be so fierce and that side of her made me ache in places that needed attention.

Okay I'll be there this afternoon I told him as I picked up my wash cloth to go take my bath, I needed soaking. Are you okay commander, you look uneasy he said eyeing me warily

I'm fine Romero just needy this time, it's strange I've never felt it this badly before and I'm beginning to think the succubus is responsible for the vivid sexual dreams.

Permission to speak freely commander, Romero asked. Always Romero, you know you are a friend and your input is greatly valued I said assuredly to him. You have been with the succubus before and we both know that once the deed is done the illusion and glam falls off, so it's highly unlikely that she's in your dreams

I know Romero but what other explanation could there be, I woke up feeling like a teenager, I soiled myself and my sheets and my legs keep shaking like a new born calf and it wasn't even the real deal. Maybe you found your soul mate and you're getting revelations of her, you know nothing passes your sight and being gifted to see both into the past and the future is a blessing and a curse. Remember that one time when we knew of a surprise attack weeks before it actually happened? You woke up screaming like a bat from hell from how vivid those visions were, so this could be the same thing he said

Hmmm you just might be correct, thank you from easing my mind I said as I walked to the adjoining room to take my bath.

My mind was far from eased, I was still so troubled. Who could that beautiful goddess be, how long before I'm able to be with her and be happy like I was then in that vision, what did her face look like? I questioned silently to myself as I went ahead to soak into my bath. I couldn't stay in as long as I would have liked, its mid morning and lunch was by the corner I sighed heavily as I got out of the bath after 30 minutes or so. I loved being commander, and I had the battle scars to prove it but what I didn't love about this position was the butt kissing I had to do for the higher ups to believe I was complacent. I knew a lot of the royal families were scared of me but Lord Byron was one over eager bastard, he felt he had me under his vice grip exactly where he wanted me but I was playing along to his tune, now that I think of it I was no better than the princess. I for one never knew her to be so outspoken and fierce, neither did the Lords that much was obvious in the last meeting, I admit I underestimated her that alone was something shocking. I believed myself to be a good judge of character and I got her completely wrong, she completely fooled not only me but the entire kingdom with how good she played dumb princess. Now all I wanted was to get to know her more and find out what else she was hiding

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