The Mates

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Heyy decided to do this chapter with both of her mates pov hope yall enjoy it

Don't forget to comment and tell me your thoughts so far


~James P.O.V.~

"Son wake up you have to go to school today," my mother,Amy, called. I got up and took an extra long time getting ready making sure that I look extra good for the ladies. Today is the first day of school and my sixteenth birthday which means I am now officially the alpha of the Moonshine Pack. Once we have the ceremony and I get the alpha title things are gonna change around here. I am finally gonna get to do whatever I want with whoever I want, if you know what I mean. I also gotta see if anyone from the pack is my mate. I hope not because a mate will just slow me down.

"Son my office. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ughhh what did I do now. "Coming Dad," I call back knowing he would've still heard me if I didn't yell. On the way to his office I saw Becky, a girl I might sample later, walk by and say, "Happy Birthday Alpha James maybe later I can give you your gift personally." What can I say being alpha has it's perks.

Now I'm sitting in my dads office zoned out while he talking about the pack being a big responsibility and that I should take it seriously blah blah blah. "Dad I have to go before you make me late to my first day of school," I interrupt him knowing it pisses him off but doing it anyways because I'm the alpha now and I can.

I run out the door before he can reply and head to my bestfriend and soon to be beta's house. I ran all the way to his house because it isn't that far from mine and I wanted to check out who I will and won't sample today. As soon as I get there I walk in without asking because he is my bestfriend and I am the alpha anyways so nobody said anything about it. I spoke to his parents before we went outside to head out.

"So bro your alpha now how does it feel?" Jack asked. I thought about it before answering,"It feels like any other day except the power, control, freedom, and lets not forget the ladies. Scratch that bro today feels fucking awesome." He says,"I bet it does. Lets go I don't wanna take the freak to school." I nod in agreement but my wolf is sad for some reason. I just shrug it off not really caring why.

As soon as we get out of the car all of the female wolves from MY pack swarm us praying that they are my mate. I smirk knowing that they all want me that bad. "Ladies, ladies, ladies, each of you will get your turn to see if you are my mate. Please no pushing and no long faces if you aren't, because I will personally fix it for you." I say emphasizing certain words and they all immediately knew what I meant.

After maybe the fifteenth girl I started getting bored until I caught this scent that got both me and my wolf's attention. It smelled like fresh fruit and pine cones a strange yet wonderful mix. I instantly follow it curious as to who it belongs to. I push several disappointed looking girls out of my way, not really caring about their feelings too focused on this scent. I accidentally bump into a girl who has her head down.

From the quick contact I feel tingles on my hand and my wolf yells, "MATE!!!!!!!!!!" I recognize her clothes and slap her. I don't care if she is my mate she isn't good enough for me and she bumped without an apology. I won't allow her or anybody else to disrespect me. My wolf is growling at me and telling me to make it better but I just shut him out not caring what he wants me to do.

I look at her with disgust and growl out, "Go to the woods now!" She doesn't speak but her eyes show sadness and pain as she walks to the woods. As soon as we are out of seeing and hearing range I hit her repeatedly being angry that I was cursed with her as my mate. "There is no way in hell you are my mate. My mate is supposed to be beautiful and sexy, not fat and ugly. I officially reject and banish you from the Moonshine Pack."

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