Ted & Julia Must Die

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So I finished writing chapter 16 last night and I'm starting chapter 17 today. It's May 5 so for all Hispanics that celebrate cinco de Mayo, I hope y'all have a great day and a wonderful time celebrating.


~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

I look towards them and instantly know that this plan is perfect. I proceed to chain Ted up in the middle of the room. He tried to resist but I broke his arm, which is slowly healing right now. I chain Julia directly in front of Ted. I then teleport to the dungeons again and get some more silver nitrate.

Once I get back I look at Ted and say,"You have yet to feel my rage. I will show you the definition of true pain." I turn towards Julia and say,"You got caught in the cross fire and for that I'm sorry, but what he did is unforgivable. I'm truly sorry about this."

I morph my hand into my wolf's paw and dip it in the silver nitrate. I slash my hand across Julia's back, watching Ted's face the entire time. He struggles against the chains, but he knows that ultimately there is nothing he can do. I continue to slash her back, while steadily looking at Ted. I then realize he is crying.

He says,"Please Creator! Have you no mercy. My mate is innocent. She did nothing wrong. Please just let her go." I've never seen someone, let alone Ted, cry and beg with true regret.

I look at Ted and say,"Like the mercy you showed my mate? My mate was innocent and did nothing wrong too Ted. You still killed him and sent me his eyes before killing me. Did you show us mercy? Did you let us go? What makes your mate different from mine?" He simply puts his head down. I look a Julia for the first time and see pain.

It broke my heart. I look at her and say,"I wasn't always this cruel. I used to smile, show compassion, and have mercy. That was until I got betrayed. Then I realized you can't always be nice to people and show emotions, because they use it against you. Like they say 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. I didn't know what that meant until now. In the end I still have a heart, so I will end your pain quickly." I raise my hand one last time and slash her throat out, killing her instantly.

Ted screams,"Julia!!!!!!" He then drops his head and proceeds to cry. I look at him and know that my plan worked. When you mate dies or is in pain you feel it. When you mate dies in front of your eyes and you can't stop it, the feeling is intensified.

I look at Ted and say,"I have no need to torture you, because watching your mate die was torture enough. I still have to kill you though." I take the remaining silver nitrate and inject it into his neck. I put it in his jugular vein and his jugular artery. They travel to and from the brain, killing him in less than three minutes.

I leave the room covered in blood. Nick and James are instantly by my side. They both keep checking for wounds, trying to make sure I'm ok.

I push both of them off of me and scream, "Stop!!!!!! I'm still angry at both of you. James you made my life a living hell and rejected me. Nick you waited until after we mated to tell me you had a girlfriend. You flaunted her in my face and ruined my birthday. As far as I'm concerned, neither of you are my mate." They have eyes filled with pain, regret, and shame.

I turn to walk away when Nick grabs my arm and says,"Let me explain first. Jazmine I never cheated on you." I look at him with love and almost believe him until the bitch walks through the door.

She says,"Nick why would you lie about such a thing. Are you ashamed to admit that you got me pregnant?" It was then that I noticed her slightly round belly and her scent change. It smells like Nick, but it's mixed with something else. I look at Nick and my heart breaks. I can't believe he got her pregnant.

To make matters worse, when we mated I was in the beginning stages of my heat. I look at Nick and say,"Congratulations it looks like your gonna be a daddy. Sadly your the father of both of our kids." After saying that I put my hand on my stomach, letting him know that I was also pregnant with his child.


So Jazmine and Selene are pregnant? Tell me what you think.

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