Putting Everything Into Motion

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~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

I've been here for a week. It's been a week since I left Nick. A week since my transformation. Damn, time is really flying by. "Jazmine stop thinking about time and pay attention."

"Jade I was paying attention." "If you were paying attention, then tell me what the plan is." After going over the plan we go hunt. We take down a cougar with ease. Now I'm laying down by a lake deep in thought. It's moments like this that I hate being mated to Nick. All I can think about is him. The fact that we mated only makes it worse. My body craves him and so does Jade, even if she won't admit it.

I can't help but wonder why? What did I do to deserve this? "You did nothing wrong Jaz?" "Jade is there any way that I can remove his mark?" "Yes Jaz there is a way, but I won't let you remove the mate bond."

"Why not? He cheated on us with some slut, yet you still take his side over mine. Why Jade? I thought you would want this too."

"Jazmine I lost my mate in a horrible way. Nobody should have to go through that pain. But to have a mate that is still alive and well, is a blessing. Think about Jaz he hasn't removed the bond himself. Why would he keep an attachment to us if he wanted that slut?" She growls at the end. I wonder if she's right, but then I look at my mark and I become angry.

"Maybe he's keeping the mark to keep his new wolf. He is more powerful than before now that he mated us. Maybe it was his plan the whole time. Did you ever think of that Jade?" She whimpers taking what I said into consideration.

I feel bad that I hurt her, but I can't stand to bare his mark. It is literally killing me to not see him.

You see if you are mated and apart from your mate for too long, you start to feel pain in your chest. Eventually you will get sick and your wolf will die. After that if the mated couple doesn't have contact, the body will slowly shut down until you die. I haven't felt that pain yet, but the thought of it alone brings tears to my eyes.

"If that's what you want Jaz then I won't stop you, but at least wait until we have executed our plan." "Jade I want the bond gone now!"

"Jazmine please for me. I lost my mate before we could even begin the mating process. I saw him once before he was killed. At least let me enjoy having a mate while I can. You have done everything I wanted, but this is something I need Jazmine." Wow, I never thought about how my decision would affect her.

That's why she wanted me to complete the mating process, because she never got a chance to. Who am I to take away her happiness? "Ok Jade. I'll do it for you." Then I block her out, needing a change of subject.

I begin to focus on my new powers to prepare for the journey that lies ahead. Oh yea, forgot to mention my powers changed too. I can now become invisible, heal others, look into other people's souls, tell what a person's intentions are, and I can tell if someone is lying or not. Along with the powers I already had. After a long practice I go back to my cave wondering if Nick thinks about me as much as I think about him.

~Nick's P.O.V.~

All I do is think about her. There isn't a day that goes by that she doesn't cross my mind. My wolf doesn't help either, all he does is whine over our mate. I know that she must be hurting, but it was for her safety. Now that I've given Selene what she wants she doesn't bother me anymore. I've been trying to find Jaz ever since. I try to communicate with her through our bond, but it's like I'm cut off.

It almost feels like our bond was removed, but I know it wasn't. I still have my mark, but the thought of it pains me. I will never forgive myself for hurting her. It was for my pack's protection.

Was it worth it? As an Alpha? Yes. As a mate? No. Don't worry Jaz I'll make everything better if it's the last thing I do.

~James P.O.V.~

I'm sitting in my office, pulling my hair in frustration. All my wolf does is whimper for our mate. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her too. I was foolish to ever think I could live without her. I see all of my friends happy with their mates, but I have lost mine. I want her so bad it hurts.

I still sleep around, but that's only to get her off of my mind. If I find her again I will try to make it right, but if she doesn't want me I wouldn't blame her. "Alpha there is a rogue wolf by the lake. What do you want us to do with her?" My beta and mates brother, Jack, asks. "Bring her here and I will decide what her punishment is." With that he leaves me in my office. Today is going to be a long day.

~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

I'm at the lake looking at my reflection. My appearance has changed a lot since my transformation. My features are sharper, more defined. I'm taller now at 5'9, which is a lot since I used to be 5'2. My hair is longer and now falls past my butt, but my eyes. My eyes have changed the most. They are now the colors of a rainbow. They can make anyone's head turn.

I heard a branch snap, followed by deep growls. If I were human I would've ran for the hills, but I'm not. Their growls don't scare me, but I bet mine would scare them. Why not test that theory? "Jaz this is the perfect chance to put our plan into motion." I guess it is. I really wanted to have fun kicking their asses, but it'll have to wait. I have a plan to start.


Never thought I write a story on wattpad, let alone have people read it. It's funny, but here I am 10 chapters and 30,000 reads later. Thanks to all the readers and thanks even more to the readers that comment. Your comments mean a lot more than you think they do. So comment and let me know what you think.

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