If You're Jonathan, Who's The Other Guy?

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I've read the comments that you guys wrote, and I'm glad that you've kept your faith in me. Many of you are confused, but hopefully this chapter clears up any confusion that you might have.


Jazmine's P.O.V.

I stare at Jonathan in disbelief. He looks at me confused and says, "I'm looking for Nick. Is he here?" I inhale his scent, and it seems normal. To further test my theory I stretch my hand for him to shake. I say, "How rude of me? I'm Jazmine, come on in Nick just went out for a run. He should be coming back soon. You can wait for him in the living room."

Nick thought it was best to suppress my powers, for now anyway. I sense Nick in the woods about a mile away, but 'Jonathan' is still in the kitchen. I turn to the real Jonathan and say, "Nick wants you to meet him by the river." I have to keep them from seeing each other, so I lied. He leaves and I walk to the kitchen.

'Jonathan' looks at me and says, "I thought you left, mutt. My brother doesn't want you here. He's just being nice." I erase all emotion from my face and say, "Who are you?" He snickers and says, "Not only are you a mutt, you're a dumb mutt. I'm Jonathan, Nick's brother remember?" I shake my head and say, "Give up the act whoever you are. I know that you aren't the real Jonathan."

He gulps audibly and shows fear briefly before masking it, but I can still smell his fear. He says, "I have no idea what you are talking about." I feel my anger rising. I look at him and say, "I'm going to ask you this one last time. Who are you?" He yells, "I already told you who I was mutt."

In seconds I have him pinned up against the wall by his throat. I say, "I was trying to be nice, but now you've pissed me off." Right then Nick comes back in and takes in the scene. He is instantly by my side. He says, "Jazmine babe can you let my brother go?" I brush him off of me and sneer, "This isn't your brother."

He looks confused, until whoever it was started taking their true form from oxygen deprivation. It was none other than Selene. I remember that she is pregnant and let her throat go, but I still keep a firm grip on her arm.

She says, "Surprised to see me. I just couldn't keep away from seeing you Nick." This causes me to grab her throat again, but not hard enough to harm her child. I say through clenched teeth, "Why do you want to see my mate?"

Then the real Jonathan decides to show up saying, "Nick isn't by the river." Then he growls at me. Nick in return growled at him. Jonathan says, "Brother why are you growling at me? You should be growling at her." Nick says, "Brother she is my mate. Why are you growling at her?"

Jonathan says, "Well brother why is your mate holding my mate by the throat?" Now it's my turn to speak. I say, "This is your mate?" He growls out, "Yes and I would appreciate it if you let her go before I hurt you." This only causes me to laugh. I say, "Jonathan you couldn't hurt me if you tried, but since she is your mate I'll let her throat go." Then I grip her arm again.

He calms down slightly. Nick says, "Everyone calm down. This can all be resolved without anyone dying." I say, "Nick I won't let her hurt my pups. I don't care if she is your brother's mate or not. If she tries anything I won't hesitate to kill her."

Jonathan growls again. I try to control Jade, because she sees it as a sign of disrespect. I calm down and say, "Jonathan if you know what's good for you, you wouldn't growl at me again." This only causes him to growl at me again, trying to show dominance. I growl at him and say, "Remember that I have your mates life in my hands. If I were you I'd stop." This causes him to stop growling immediately.

I look at Nick and mind link, "Explaining this will take too long. You have to show him, because if I show him he won't believe me."

He links back, "But I don't know how? I don't want my brother to get hurt, yet I can't lose you."

I smile at him and link, "Just let Nate (Nick's wolf) take control. He knows what to do."

He nods at me and Nate takes control. Nate growls at Jonathan, "Brother you don't know the whole story, this is the only reason I'm not going to hurt you. Heed my warning brother if you ever threaten my mate or my pups again, I won't hesitate to put you in your place."

Nate then shows Jonathan everything. From Selene blackmailing him, to him giving her someone else's sperm, even her trying to break us up. By the end Jonathan looks hurt and torn. He is hurt that his mate did all of those things, but he still loves her.

I look at Selene and say, "If I let you go and you try anything, you will regret it." I let her go and Jonathan instantly pulls her to his chest, inhaling her scent. He looks at me and says, "Why do I feel a bond to her pups?" It was then that I inhaled again. I noticed that the reason her scent was similar to Nick's was because it was Jonathan's scent.

I look at him and say, "The pups are yours. Nick must've gave her your sperm." Nick comes to stand by my side and says, "Well now that everything is settled let's eat and catch up. Besides our mates need to eat."

Selene and I sit at the dining room table while Nick and Jonathan cook us dinner. I look at her and say, "Why did you try to break up me and my mate?" She gulps audibly again and says, "I was chosen to unite our species through a hybrid child. They figured if a hybrid was born it would bring us peace. I didn't want to, but I couldn't disgrace my family. I'm truly sorry if I caused you any pain."

I look at her and say, "Since you and Jonathan are mates I'm sure that you feel the bond. How would you feel if you fell in love with him to find out that he cheated on you? Then to add salt to the wound, the person he cheated on you with was pregnant." She says, "I don't know how that feels."

I smirk at her and say, "I can help you with that." I show her everything from my perspective. All the pain, confusion, anger, everything I felt was projected to her. I'm actually surprised that it worked, with my powers all out of whack. She sheds a tear and says, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea that would happen." I nod my head and say, "It's ok. I accept your apology as long as you don't try it again, because this time I will hurt you."

Jonathan and Nick walk in with a buffet of food. They immediately take their seats next to us, missing our contact.

I decide to see how Jonathan feels about me. I ask, "So Jonathan how do you feel about the Creator?" He laughs and says, "What Creator? My parents created me, not some wanna be. If I had the chance I'll show her some respect for her superiors." I ask, "Who are her superiors?" He cockily replies, "Men of course. Everyone knows that a man is stronger than a woman."

Nick grabs my hand trying to calm me down, but I'm already too far gone. I say, "Well Jonathan I'll give you that chance right now. Let's have a dominance challenge right now in the backyard." He laughs and says, "No offense Jazmine, but I said the Creator not you." I laugh and say, "You naive boy. I am the Creator." I finally stop suppressing my powers to prove it.

He looks shocked but stands up and follows me to the backyard. Nick says, "Jazmine don't your pregnant." I growl in frustration and say, "Nick I know that. Do you honestly think I would put our pups lives in danger?" I turn to face Jonathan and say, "First to summit or get knocked out wins." I turn to Nick and say, "I'm sorry, but I order you not to intervene." Nick whimpers, but does as he's told. I turn to Jonathan and say, "Let the dominance challenge begin."


So tell me what you think.

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