The Dominance Challenge Begins

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Jonathan's P.O.V.

When Jazmine says she's the Creator I have no words. I thought the Creator was cruel, but Jazmine isn't cruel she's righteous. I have really put my foot in my mouth this time, but I won't back down. Even though I might lose, I'm going to give it my all. I have to prove that I'm not weak. This is truly going to be the fight of my life, and I'm going to give Jazmine a run for her money . . . . . or at least try to.

Jazmine's P.O.V.

I think of my pups and how worried Nick is, but I can't let people think that they can boss me around. I'm a leader and I will not be disrespected by anyone. It makes people think that they can just run me over because I'm a female, but I have news for people like them . . . . . they're wrong.

Third Person P.O.V.

Jonathan looks at Jazmine, hoping to find a weakness to end this quickly. Jazmine looks at Jonathan, waiting for him to make a move. Both are worried, but for different reasons. Jonathan wants to prove his strength not only to Jazmine and Nick, but to his mate as well. Jazmine is worried that with all of the added hormones, she will hurt Jonathan or even worse her pups.

Jade growls in protest, knowing that she wouldn't put her pups lives in danger. This calms Jazmine enough to see Jonathan charging at her, already shifted into his honey brown wolf, Johnny. Jade takes over, knowing that Jazmine is too distracted to fight.

Jonathan runs in snapping wildly, trying to get this over with quickly. Jade keeps dodging his attacks, waiting for the perfect moment to shift.

Nick and Selene are watching the fight, simply praying that their mates are going to leave this battle unharmed. Both are trying to fight the instinct to protect their mate, an instinct most people give in to.

Johnny gets impatient and forces Jonathan to give him control, and while they were fighting for dominance, Jade took that as the perfect opportunity to shift.

She wanted to end this quickly, to put less of a strain on Jazmine and the pups. She knew that stressing her out would harm not only her health, but the health of her pups as well, and that was a risk Jade wasn't willing to take.

Johnny on the other hand was only focused on proving his dominance over Jade. He was growling maliciously at Jade ready to attack. She was patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. She knew that her movements were critical, because one wrong move and she could lose her pups.

Johnny came charging at Jade, but he was so focused on keeping control that he missed. He ran into a tree, crumbling it underneath his weight. Jade wanting to end it quickly took the opportunity to pin him down. He was growling and snapping, trying to get out of her hold. That only made her bite down on his neck tighter, and put more weight on him.

Johnny being so stubborn didn't want to summit. Jade applied more pressure until she could taste his coppery blood on her tongue. She wouldn't let go until she was sure that when she did, he wouldn't try to attack her. Unfortunately for him that didn't happen, so she held on until he went limp under her.

Afraid that she killed him, Jade forced him to shift back, shifting back as well. She checked his wounds and realized that he was fine, he just passed out from a lack of oxygen. That is when Jazmine took control again. She ran into Nick's arms crying about how sorry she was. She didn't know that her emotions affected the pups, just as much as they affected her. Her crying was putting a strain on her pups. This caused her to pass out.

Nick's P.O.V.

After the battle was over Jazmine ran into my arms crying. She kept repeating I'm sorry or I didn't mean to. Little did she know, I didn't care about the way the battle ended. I was proud of her. She handled the battle well, and didn't harm our pups. That was all that mattered to me. As long as Jazmine and the pups were ok, I was ok.

Or maybe I spoke too soon, as I felt her slipping away. She started swaying, but before she hit the ground I caught her. If anything is wrong with her or my pups my brother is going to wish she killed him in that battle, because what I'm going to do to him will be far worse.

Selene's P.O.V.

After the battle I ran to Jonathan's side. He was already healing himself, but I couldn't help myself from doing a healing spell on him just to be sure.

He immediately reacts to my spell and wakes up. He looks at me sadly and confesses, "I'm sorry I lost the battle. I understand if you don't want me as your mate anymore."  

I look at him confused and ask, "Why would I not want you as my mate?" 

He looks down ashamed and whispers, "I lost the battle. I'm supposed to be able to protect my mate. I couldn't even win a dominance challenge against a girl. I'm ashamed of myself." 

I angrily snarl, "Saying stuff like that you should be ashamed. I don't care that you lost, the only thing I cared about was you being ok. I'm angry that you are so sexist. I won't tolerate you thinking that you are stronger than me because you're a man." I run off to go make sure Jazmine is ok. I really hope she is going to be ok.

Jonathan's P.O.V.

I sit up thinking about how incredibly stupid I am. I was going about this all wrong, it never mattered if I won. I was supposed to learn a lesson. I was supposed to realize that it didn't matter if you were male or female, everyone should be treated as equals. I know that now, I just hope I'm not too late. I run off in search of my brother, his mate, and most importantly my mate. I have to make this right.


Sorry it took so long for an update I was busy with school starting. Anyways tell me what you think.

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