The Transformation

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~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

I woke up and instantly knew that something was different. I felt stronger somehow like all of my senses were even more heightened than before. I felt invincible.

"We are invincible Jaz." Jade spoke for the first time since I woke up. It's nice to hear her voice again, but something about her voice was different. She sounded powerful and authoritative.

"Jade what do you mean we are invincible? Why does your voice sound like that? Your voice is stronger than an Alpha."

"We have completed the transformation. We were weak back then, now we are stronger than ever. My voice is a symbol of my power. Your voice has changed as well. To answer your question I or should I say we are stronger than an Alpha."

What does she mean my voice has changed?

I say my name and the voice I hear makes me want to summit. I realize it was my voice and I'm shocked. "Jade what else has changed about me?"

"Go see for yourself Jaz." I look around for a mirror remembering that I was still in my secret cave. Shit. There isn't a mirror in here. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to wait to see myself.

"Jade we are stronger and wiser than an Alpha, are we an Ancient?" She growls in anger. Damn I wouldn't want to make her mad, her growl alone would have me running for the hills with my tail tucked between my legs. "Jade why are you so angry."

"It is time that I show you the truth."


I am in a throne surrounded by people. They all are bowing to me. I'm proud for some reason. Then a man with a cloak on walks up to me. The cloak covers up his face, so I can't see what he looks like.

"Do you have something to say Ancient Ted?" I spoke, but it didn't feel like it was me talking. It felt like watching everything from my eyes, but not being able to do anything about it. Then realization dawned on me. An Ancient was bowing to me, asking for my permission to speak.

What the fuck?I thought the Ancients were the strongest werewolves on the planet. Why do they need my permission to do anything, let alone speak.

Then the scene before me changed. I was in a different room surrounded by the Ancients with a box in my hand. The box had a note attached to it. I didn't read the note, not caring what it said. When I open the box I begin to cry. The box has someone's eyes in it. Those eyes are the same color as Nick'sSomeone killed my mate, and sent me his eyes.

Who would do such a thing?

I read the note and it says, "Don't cry my dear you shall be with him soon." I was crushed. My world was just taken from me. Then Ancient Ted spoke up.

"You are not worthy of such power. You don't deserve to live. I will fix that in a moment though. Don't worry, your death won't be as nearly as painful as your mate's was."

I couldn't speak. Words couldn't even describe the pain and betrayal I felt. Without my mate I didn't want to live. I let them kill me without even putting up a fight. All of them held me down while Ted took my blade out and put it through my chest.

~Flashback Over~

I was sweating and panting trying to breathe. It felt like waking up from a nightmare. "It was a nightmare. It was my greatest fear, and sadly it was real."

At that moment I developed a new appreciation for Jade. She had such a hard past, yet she's still strong. She encouraged me to keep going when I wanted to quit. She kept her promise and never gave up on me. She is truly my best friend and I love her. "I love you too Jaz."

Wait why were the Ancients bowing to us?

"Jade why were the Ancients bowing to us. I thought they were the strongest werewolves alive." She growls again,only this time louder and in my head. I felt like my ears were gonna bleed. "They have deceived you. They didn't create werewolves. I did."

"But legend has it Ancient Ted created the Ancients, and together they created werewolves." "That's all a lie. He claims that he was near death, and the moon goddess touched him. Gave him a new life, as he puts it."

"Then how were werewolves created?" "Did you know that the moon goddess and the sun God were mates. They were cursed by some jealous guy that wanted the moon goddess for himself. That's why it takes a millennium for a solar eclipse to happen."

"Jade you're beating around the bush. What does all of that have to do with us?" "It was the first millennium and they enjoyed every second of it. They rarely got to see each other and missed each other dearly. They made love until the eclipse was over. Little did they know the moon goddess was in the beginning stages of her heat and got pregnant that day.

The moon got huge that year. There were so many catastrophes caused by water. The moon was too big and the child was too powerful. The moon's pull on the earth was three times as strong that year. She knew that she couldn't keep the child because it was destroying the earth, and her mate wouldn't get to see it. She made the decision to leave her child on earth. That way they both would get to see their child grow up. Maybe one day their child would be able to break the curse, and change the world for the better.

"Ok now I'm just getting frustrated. "Jade what does any of that have to do with us?" "Don't you get it Jazmine? That child was us."

Wait so if that child was us are we werewolves or are we a goddess? Ughhh this is all confusing.

"Jaz don't be confused. We are both. Our parents knew we were lonely so they gave us a companion. They gave us a wolf. That wolf combined with our pure blood made us even stronger than them."

"So how did we create werewolves?" "We took a few humans. All males and gave them wolves. We then proceeded to make packs and Alphas. The first few men we turned were called the Ancients. We used them to keep track of all of the packs." "Why did you only take men?"

"Because I'm sexist. Men weren't as strong as us females. Females were the Alphas. Men didn't control anything." "So we were originally a female dominant race?" She nods in my head. It's kind of funny how I can see her gestures from inside my head. "Wait then what happened? How did men get control?"

"After the Ancients killed us they tortured the Alphas. Forcing them to give their title to men. They brainwashed everybody into believing that they created our race. Whoever didn't comply with their methods were killed."

"Jade that's awful. Why would they do that to us? We gave them life? We made them what they are?" "It was Ted. None of them had the will to turn against me. He was their leader. He did it for greed. He must me killed. All of them will be killed by us. We are the Creator after all. It shouldn't be hard." She growls at the end with determination in her voice. I know that I will help her no matter what. Get ready Ancients the Creator is going to be making an appearance soon.


So that's the chapter. Hope you like it.

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