The Pups Are Born

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~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

Last night went by awkwardly. Everyone had this bitter sweet look on their face at dinner. I kept my word to Jade and ate, then went to bed early.

For some reason I'm not worried about tomorrow anymore. I already have a group of people to watch over my pups while I fight. The group consists of Nick's parents, Selene's parents, the doctor Margaret, and my beta Andy. There will also be a few guards outside the room.

My only worry is how to kill Luke. According to Selene he's lived for centuries and no one knows how to kill him. He's immune to there weapons and has powers nobody knows about. He's claimed to be the legendary pack thief, a man that takes the alpha down to gain control of his pack.

I don't care about any of that though. My main priority is killing him and making sure my pups are safe. I'll deal with how to kill Luke when that moment comes.

Jaz get out of that office and come get breakfast.

I smile, loving the sound of my mate's voice.

Instead of replying I just head towards the kitchen. It's 8:30 a.m. and the castle is busy with people preparing for war. I smile and nod at them as I pass by.

Engulfed in my own thoughts, I don't realize that I'm already standing in the kitchen until Nick hands me a plate. I smile and kiss him on the cheek, while grabbing me some fruit and orange juice.

I sit at the head of the table, observing my people. They all look bitter sweet. Nick takes has place at my right and Andy takes his place on my left. I just want to preserve this moment, it's like the calm before the storm, everything is so peaceful.

After I finish eating I decide to go to my office, feeling like I've missed something. I have wolves encircling the castle, in the woods, and a few inside the castle in case the witches get through. I already have the barrier up, but I still feel like I'm forgetting something.

Suddenly a light bulb goes off in my head. I forgot witches are highly allergic to lead and platinum. We have a weapon room full of lead and platinum. If I arm my most skilled shooters we can take down more witches at a time. Acting fast I begin walking towards my weapon room.

I need all trained marksmen in the weapon room now.

I mind link everyone, not wasting time to spring my plan into action.

As soon as I arrive I see a group of between thirty and forty men and women out of my two hundred and fifty warriors. There are around one hundred seventy five to two hundred people in the safe room under the castle. I smile feeling extreme pride in my people and their faith in me.

"I called you here because I remembered that witches are highly allergic to lead and platinum. I'm not proud about killing witches that are just following orders, but we have no choice. I won't let them harm you or my children. Here there are several different weapons containing lead and platinum, pick your weapon of choice. I want two groups, half of you will be hidden in the forest and the other half will be hidden in the trees. You'll be scattered I'm front of the castle. I know this is all so sudden. Is there anybody that is confused by what I just said?" I rush out to my confused warriors.

It's 10:45 now, meaning there are a little over five hours before I begin to deliver my pups. It's a lot to take in I understand, and with so little time to adjust I know they are a little thrown off. I wouldn't do this if I didn't believe it would help.

"We understand your reasoning for this request. If it will help us in war we are willing to make the adjustment." Andy steps forward.

The rest of my warriors bow their heads in agreement, then begin to leave.

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