The Heartbreak

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I never thought I would get this far with my story. Somebody commented and said they still don't know what Jazmine is. Well that's the point it will be explained later but first I have to get there. Be patient with me readers. This isn't easy and lately I've been having writers block.


~Nick's P.O.V.~

After last night this is officially the best day of my life. Waking up with my naked mate in my arms is the best feeling ever. Now I can feel her emotions, hear her thoughts, but most of all look at my mark on her shoulder. Just thinking about makes me want to look at it. As soon as I look at it I know it's not normal.

Most mate marks have your mate's initials, and if your high ranked it will be blue to symbolize power. Her mark however has both of our initials, which is uncommon, and a picture of a white wolf with purple and gold spots on it. The mark also looks like it was shaded white, purple, and gold. Her mark is rare yet beautiful. "Stop staring at me weirdo." Jazmine effectively brings me out of my thoughts. I smile at her and say, "Good morning gorgeous." I kiss her passionately, and soon we start round 6.

-Two Hours Later-

We are laying down panting looking at each other when Jazmine say, "What's that on your shoulder?" I immediately run to the nearest mirror to look at my shoulder. What I see is absolutely breath taking. I have a mate mark, which is unheard of for males, unless the mated couple is two males.

My mark resembles Jazmine's except mine is shaded black, blue, and gold. My mark only has Jazmine's initials in it with an extremely large black wolf with blue and gold spots on it. "Why does your mark have a picture of my wolf on it?"

I turn to Jazmine confused and ask, "If this is your wolf, then whose wolf is on your shoulder?" She shrugs her shoulders and says, "I have no clue, but since when are your eyes purple and gold? I thought they were ocean blue."

I shrug and say, "They were blue. Maybe it has something to do with the mating process. Everything about our mating was different. In the meantime I'm going to make us some breakfast."

I make a quick detour to my office to call my dad. It rings three times before he answers. "Hey son. I haven't heard from you in a while. Is everything OK?" I smile thinking 'same ol' dad always worried'. "Yea dad everything is fine. I found my mate and we completed the mating process."

"Son that's great I can't wait to meet her." "Dad that's kind of the reason I called. My mate is different, stronger than anybody I've ever seen. She even made me summit without trying to. And after we mated my eyes changed color, and I have a mark on my shoulder as well. What does this all mean?"

"I don't know son. I've never heard of anything like this." "Well thanks anyways dad. I'll see you and mom when your vacation it over." I don't understand any of this. I'm not sexist but male wolves are stronger than female wolves. Male wolves don't get a mark, the female does to show that she is mated. Males are supposed to be more dominant than females. Everything I was taught as a child has pretty much gone out the window, ever since I met Jazmine.

Don't get me wrong I do love her, but I'm supposed to be the dominant one. All of this is confusing. As a child I was taught that women were weaker than men, therefore men are supposed to protect women. Jazmine is far from weak and certainly doesn't need my protection. All of this thinking is starting to give me a headache. With more questions than answers, I make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast for my mate. Once I make it to the kitchen I see the one person I'd thought I would never see again.

~Jazmine's P.O.V.~

I lay in bed confused. If my wolf is on Nick's shoulder, then whose wolf is on my shoulder? "It's our mate's new wolf of course."

"Jade why does Nick have a new wolf?" "Because we are unique, therefore our mating bond is also unique." "Why are we uni..." My sentence is cut off by a growl. "Jade why am I so angry."

"Somebody is touching our mate. Somebody is touching our mark." With that being said I run down the stairs in search of my mate. I find him, but I wish I hadn't.

Some slut in a too tight dress and red bottom heels, was flirting with MY mate. She was rubbing her hands on his chest, touching my mark in the process. The worst thing was that he wasn't even fighting her off, he was just standing there letting her do it. I scream, "What the fuck is going on here Nick?"

She answers, "Isn't it obvious? He's welcoming his girlfriend after a long business trip. Oh did you think he actually loved you? He was only using you as a distraction." I say, "Is this true Nick? Was everything between us a lie?" He looks away from me and nods his head. Unable to stay here any longer I run outside, shifting mid-step. As I'm running I think to myself, "Some sixteenth birthday this was."

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