Serenating The 'New' Girl

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"Excuse me miss, may I have a moment of your time? I'm new here." asked the tiny size brunette attempting to blend in with the rushing students passing by her. Stopping mid-step to the sound of a soft but firm voice. The tall, long-haired blonde-haired girl locked eyes with the girl who from first sight was not a transfer standing on the edge of the staircase. The two girls stayed in that frozen motion for what appeared to be a while trying to make sense of the uneasy, flutter feelings that might've been more excitement than nerves. As other students hurried past them the blonde girl stuck her hand out, flashing a bright smile breaking the quiet.

"Name's Quinn. Quinn Lucy Fabray," said the blonde girl.

"Pleasure to meet you, Quinn. My name is Rachel Barbra Berry." replied the brunette returning her signature wide cheek to cheek smile, shaking her hand. Dalton's uniform was what stuck out to her. The fitted red striped and blue material blazer hugged Quinn's curves without being out of place; Rachel's eyes followed the flock of students who were giddy and buzzing with curiosity about a performance by the glee club. Curious Rachel asked why everyone was excited about their glee club.

"The Warblers sometimes do surprise performances, and it tends to take up most of the study hall. The girls love it." Quinn replied with excitement peeking over her shoulder seeing the main lobby emptying out rapidly by the second.

"Wait, the glee club is sort of cool here? Well, liked even?" Rachel preyed more, raising an eyebrow going over possible pros in case she decided to ever join them.

"Why wouldn't we be? We're treated like rock stars and hold the most status next to athletes here." Quinn explained getting curious about just how new this girl was.

"We don't want to miss it now, do we. Come on, I know a shortcut." nodding her head in the opposite direction of the hall. Before she could react, Rachel felt her hand being taken by Quinn's and tugged along. The two ran down a narrow hallway, taking in the scenery she was in awe of. The only thing that kept running through her mind was 'Is this real? Am I really holding hands with a girl, much less a very cute girl? Oh, my Barba!' Stealing a glance at Quinn, Rachel smiled to herself hoping this day didn't end too soon.

Reaching a double-doored room Rachel watched intensely as the other students rearranged furniture to make space in the center. In a core circle talking among themselves the Warblers glanced over at the two giggling and motioning over at Quinn. Not noting because Quinn had turned her full attention to the shorter girl, who adjusted the strap on her messenger bag.

"I stick out like a sore thumb." Rachel expressed her concern knowing someone would eventually point her out about not being an actual student here, much less a transfer one. Fixing her jacket flap Quinn commented telling her not to forget her jacket next time. Brushing off invisible lint she shoots a wink at Rachel causing the tiny brunette to blush.

"Uh, Quinn, who's the lead vocalist?" Rachel brought up scanning the room as the group of girls continued to stare at them. Quinn's hazel eyes twinkled, commenting; "That would be me. Watch and be an amazed sweetheart." Her tone was flirtatious. Taking center as the group began to sing the opening key to 'Replay' by Iyaz. Quinn could really put on a show. Her shoulder shimmers made some of the girls watching swoon and Rachel couldn't detach her eyes off her. She intimidated the guitar playing and met her eye while singing. She even threw in another wink getting lost in the rhythm of the song alongside her fellow vocalist as they danced around each taking a girl to sway around with. When she pointed her index finger out in Rachel's direction, she had to look away to hide the blush across her face. Quinn was having too much fun with this song. New Directions had nothing on these ladies!

Once they finished, cheers erupted into the room as Quinn strolled over to Rachel. She was still in a daze. She turned her head, smirking half amused, half annoyed with her arms crossed over her chest.

"You didn't tell me you were a Warbler?!" chuckling halfheartedly Quinn smirked back her hand resting her hip. "That performance was so lively, and god your voice-uh I mean you sang very well Quinn I'm impressed." Rachel caught herself rambling and stuck her foot in her mouth before it got out of hand.

"And you missy didn't confirm that you were a transfer. Besides, every transfer is given their uniform or a suitable one prior to their first day." speechless at getting caught, Rachel stood there with her tail tucked between her legs seeing Quinn brush her fingers across her jacket flap again slightly gripping it. Two other girls from the performance came up behind Quinn. Whispering something into her ear she smirked more side-eyeing the smaller girl. They informed her that they were all going out for coffee, and she was joining them.

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