Transfer Pt. 2

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Adjusting her tie for the third time in a row Rachel settled on a pratt knot, carefully placing on her blazer to smother out any wrinkles. Doing a twirl in her full length mirror she had her bag ready trying hard not to rethink her decision. It was her first day at Dalton Academy as an official student, her fathers were a bit taken back when she asked them for a favor. New shoes, sure. Extra vocal lessons, of course. Changing schools in the middle of term, that was a bit over the top. Yet they were able to get it done, because they could see by keeping their baby girl at McKinley High that it wouldn't be long before the death threats became physical. They couldn't take that risk. LeRoy didn't want to let go of his princess yet while Hiram reminded her to call them every other day to make sure everything was well.

Rachel insisted to her worried fathers that she would be fine and that Quinn would look after her. Both men kissed each other's cheeks before sending her off. Taking a deep breath Rachel made her way into the building reading over her map of the school to find the admission office. Not paying attention she bumped into someone to have their books fall out of their hands. Apologizing, she bent down picking up the falling items, the girl bent down helping her.

"Really it's fine, wait aren't you the one who spied on us about a month ago?" blushing from the girl's comment Rachel simply nodded her head "yes" before rushing off. She didn't get far because the girl grabbed her by her wrist pulling her back.

"Easy there I don't bite. I'm Gabriella" holding out her hand she welcomed her to Dalton and asked if she was looking for the admission office. Answering her, the two went off up a flight of stairs towards the back of the second floor. Throughout the walk Gabriella kept going on about how great their school was, along with their winning choir the Warblers. Hearing someone else talk about Quinn beside her and Dani felt strange. This girl had a flirtatious tone in her voice. Rachel did not take kindly to the way she said enfances Quinn's name. Reaching the main office Gabriella held the door open to Dean Valentine's office. Greeting Rachel, Dean Valentine thanked Gabriella for her help. Smiling a little too much she left them alone with a skip in her step.

Gesturing her hand for the new student to sit, Dean Valentine sat on the end of her desk with her legs crossed. In her fitted red blouse, blue/red striped tie and black skirt Rachel tried not to drool over her headmaster. Sitting up she listened to her brief introduction to Dalton and was given a key to her dorm room along with other supposed relevant information to ensure that her time here was well spent.

"From your files, you were lead vocalist in glee club. The New Directions were quite the group last year. And your transcript is exceptional." smiling softly Dean Valentine asked if Rachel was interested in joining the glee club here. Nodding her head eagerly she smiled from the idea of spending more time with Quinn. After discussing her expectations for Dalton, her hobbies, and that if she spied on any other show choir again it would go on her permit records.

Apologizing several times she was escorted to her dorm by another student. She reminded Rachel of Tina because of her quiet manner. Despite her doubts at first she was looking forward to auditioning for glee again. Maybe Quinn could give her some pointers. Thanking the girl Rachel began to unpack her items which mainly consist of her laptop, journal, some casual clothes for the weekends. Aside from that she already had her uniforms ironed and hanging in the tiny closet. Sitting on her side of the room she saw a text from Mercedes; We miss you Rach :'( thinking back to her last day at McKinley, mainly how the New Directions reacted.

A Week Ago

"Wait, leave? What do you mean to leave?" questioned Santana nearly jumping out of her chair listening to the news just told to her. Not caring if they saw her cry or not Rachel put on a tiny smile saying it was for her own safety. That's when Sam said that he and other guys could protect her. Shaking her head "no" Rachel thanked them for their kindness. Raising his hand slightly Kurt stood up and waltzed over to the puffy eye girl. Wrapping his arm over her shoulder he asked if she would do them the honor of singing one last song before she left. Her smile grew three sizes as they sat on two stools. Asking for suggestions Puck played the string to Last Saturday by Broadway. Rachel and Kurt heard it on the radio before while driving to get tickets to the mall.

Singing along the whole glee club began to tear up listening to Rachel's voice in harmony. Sure, they may not always agree with her radical ideas but she was in the glee club. She made them a better team, and they were going to miss her. Finishing the last chorus everyone cheered gathering up for a group hug. Kurt kissed her forehead saying that she had to keep them updated on the Warblers and that she hoped she enjoyed her time at Dalton.

"You're always welcome here Rachel." Finn squeezed her shoulder, Santana gave her a quick hug as Mr. Schue thanked her for her time. Grabbing her bag she took one last look at the group of people who shaped her and walked away from them. Wondering if she could return to them one day.

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