Friend In Me Pt. 1

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Rachel couldn't stop herself from smiling from their conversation. She met an open lesbian in this dead-end town! Unable to hold in her news she urged Kurt to come over to her house ASAP. When her fathers questioned her whereabouts after school that same day, she just said she was giving vocal lessons to Tina. They seemed to buy it for the most part and she prayed they wouldn't press any further questions. Getting started on her homework she heard a ding from her cell, taking a glance at it was a text message from an unknown number.

Hey terrible spy, guess who ~ Q

Smiling to herself she saved the contact and replied. After a game of cat and mouse she could care less about the Trig, plus she had a free period tomorrow anyway. The girl's conversation went along like.

Is it a certain blonde Warbler who has the voice of an angel?

Well, aren't you just a charmer?

How clever and thank you again. I cannot express how thankful I am.

Oh, letting me take you out for coffee is thankful enough :3

Giggling at her flirtatious attitude Rachel heard a knock on her door, inviting the person inside it was Kurt who had a bag of goodies and the latest Vogue magazines. Sending a quick reply, she sorts of wish their talk lasted longer. Listening to Kurt ramble on about how cute Sam Evans was Rachel thought of Quinn and how her blonde hair was brighter and filled with more volume compared to Sam's. She still was betting Santana that it was all natural, though they all agreed it was dyed.

"So, what's so exciting that's making me miss Project Runway? Is it about Finn again but I swear I'll leave-" covering his mouth with her hand she sat up cross legged.

"Sorry Kurt but been there, over that. Anyway, the exciting news is that I spied on the Warblers like Santana recommended to me during our practice," his eyes widen about to scream out loud when she covered his mouth again. "Let me finish please." trying to remember her thoughts she told him of meeting Quinn, the Warbler's performance, Quinn and her friends uncovering her disguise, Quinn getting her a latte, Quinn and her's heartfelt talk. Sighing happily Kurt swore he saw hearts floating above the little star's head. Then he smiled at her giving her a bear hug. Clapping he asked about her shoe size, hair color, their performing style, and if she had another openly gay friend in case, it didn't work out with Sam.

Shrugging, she thought back to Jane and Dani who seemed to smirk at the idea of her being gay, at least Dani seemed a bit more curious than Jane. Going through the magazines he bought over they discussed the chances of having double dates if things went up for Rachel and Quinn. Rachel liked that idea.  

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