Drunk Kisses & Karaoke

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Why did she let Puck talk her into breaking into her parents liquor cabinet again?! Her father left her home alone for the weekend to celebrate their 15th anniversary. At first she was going to invite Quinn over to watch her collection of Broadway classics and rank them from best to worse then of course Santana mentions that since it was Alcohol Awareness week that she should throw a party. She insisted that the get-together stay only within the glee club, which led to Santana inviting all of the glee club and sneaking in booze. So here she was, in her basement with her mini stage and lights everyone sitting on the carpet with red cups. Seeing Quinn come down the steps with Dani behind her she smiled watching the girls come up to her. Not wanting to let her nerves get the best of her she took a swig of vodka in one setting, wincing from the burnt it left in her throat.

"Hey there girlfriend." smiling more Quinn was a bit taken back from the sudden approach Dani greeted her before making her way to the snack table. Offering her a drink Quinn declined asking if she had any bottled water instead.

While on Santana's end she was envious of Artie getting all the attention from Brittany that she was blind to the fact that Dani was watching her from the snack table. Kurt took note of the lesbian tension in the room. Santana kept cursing at the two in Spanish before being to tear up and take another drink. It was a repeating cycle, marching up to Dani who couldn't get a word in before the drunk Latina threw herself at her causing them both to fall back onto a bean bag. Laughing at her thoughtless actions Dani held her close by the waist smirking.

"Your lips look really delicious Dani. Mind if I have a taste." licking her bottom lip she leaned in only to have Finn and Puck cheer them on. Dani flipped them off, kissing the cutie in her arms. Ignoring the rest around them Finn watched from the sidelines of Rachel flirting with Quinn. Her nightgown seemed childish to him but she had a cute butt. That Quinn girl seemed really butch to him, her bob cut and slightly combed back hair along with her short denim jacket over a fitted stripe top and black skinny jeans. What did Rachel see in her anyway? Wait Rachel was gay?

Quinn enjoyed herself getting to know the rest of the New Directions; she had to keep remembering herself not to get drunk and to keep an eye out for Dani. From what Rachel had informed of her, Santana wasn't all open to being open about her sexuality. Although from what she was witnessing now on the bean bag in the corner she was getting to know her friend pretty well. She felt something brush up against her hip looking to her right she saw a guy with a poor excuse for a mohawk smirking at her.

"Sup babe, I see you're not from here. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Puck and aren't you a sight for sore eyes." wiggling his bushing eyebrows at her Quinn stepped back holding her hand out to distance them.

"First off, I am not your babe and second I'm not interested." hoping he take a hint he kept pushing trying to kiss her. Pushing him back he stumbled back laughing. Saying he loved girls who played hard to get she had enough. Telling him to lean in close she drove her fist straight into his balls whispering in his ear. "Next time a girl says she isn't interested that does not mean you keep pursuing her." hearing him cry out and whimper she let him drop to the floor cupping his balls. Finn hence from the sight he just saw hugging his knees to his chest. Not thinking twice he asked Quinn why she was even here.

"I invited Finn that's why. And it should be no concern of yours on who I invited to my own house." defended Rachel sticking her tongue out at him. He looked to Kurt for help who held his hands up in defeat. Smirking at Rachel's defense , it reminded her of when she shoved Karofsky back. Damn was she something.

Mercedes suggest they all play spin the bottle which erupted in cheers and a few boo's. Though everyone gathered in a circle and Sam was the first to spin, fingers crossed he hoped for it to land on a certain blonde. Stopping at Brittany he tried not to show disappointment but went for the kiss anyway. Mercedes pecked Mike on his cheek, same thing when Tina's spin landed on Artie. Puck landed on Laura, and Finn backed out when he landed on Kurt. By the time it was Quinn's turn she spun and held her breath. It landed on Kurt again. Dani nudged her in the ribs saying it was battle of the gays. Smirking, she mentioned that it would be meaningless. Leaning in, Kurt eyed Rachel who seemed to be quiet for most of the game. Shrugging he leaned in kissing Quinn's lips a few cheers happened but Quinn was the first to pull back. With a blank expression she said she couldn't see what the big deal was, yet Rachel looked as if she was going to slaughter her friends for suggesting the stupid game.

Kurt whispered over to her, "Are you okay? There wasn't anything beside anyone with a brain that could tell she's into you." pouting she whispered as quietly as possible.

"That's not the point, I should've been kissing her!" sighing Kurt saw Dani get up and hopping onto the stage. Grabbing one of the pink bedazzled microphones, she asked if there were any song suggestions. Following her lead Quinn took the other mic shooting a wink in Rachel's direction. Blushing, she locked eyes with her. Humming the opening key to One's Direction Kiss You the two performers pretending to be surfers. A few drunk gleeks sang along or just listened in harmony, Quinn and Dani moved smoothly from the stage over to their audience. Though Dani wasn't subtle about singing to Santana who was in an enchanted daze wanting the girl to come closer. At the part of the band singing let me kiss you they each blew the girls a kiss. Quinn's signature shoulder shimmy and Rachel returning one, she offered her hand. Taking it gladly she pulled her up to her feet and they sang along. Santana nearly pulled Dani down by her tie to kiss her. By the end they four were on the stage happily singing and making kissy faces at each other. With her arm wrapped around Rachel's shoulder Quinn gave her an eskimo kiss and Santana pulled Dani in for a kiss by her tie once again.

What a party that was. 

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