Transfer Pt. 3

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Dani wasn't one to study unlike Quinn whose nose was buried in her Global notes. Though the girl managed to keep a B+ average, since it was less than a month away from Regionals and they had Midterms coming up they were isolated into their dorms. That wasn't setting well with the girl. Jumping up to her feet, slipping on a pair of flats she asked Quinn if she wanted anything from the vending machine. Mumbling something about a Twix Dani grabbed her SAO wallet and left the room. The hallways were deserted, and her footsteps could be heard, everything seemed out of place. Like some cliche horror scene. Reaching the vending machine, she grunted seeing that they were out of Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos, shrugging she got the Twix, Cool Ranch Doritos and a Brisk Iced Tea. Heading back, she passed by a girl only to stop in her tracks.

Whipping her head around the girl stopped turning towards Dani. Curious as to why Rachel was here, she opened her mouth to ask only to feel her arms squeeze around her neck.

"It's great to see you again Dani! How are you?" stepping back slightly Dani eyed her wardrobe. The white button up, official blazer, blue and red striped tie. Yup, that was Dalton's uniform for sure.

"How were you able to transfer mid-year?" smiling at the shorter girl Rachel began to explain what led her to Dalton starting from when Quinn confronted Karofsky with her. Speechless to hearing about death threats Dani walked Rachel back to her dorm asking her if she was going to take the midterms. Undecided she gasps at what she was witnessing. Quinn Fabray in boy shorts, an oversized tee shirt and reading glasses. Biting her lip till skin peeled off Dani smirked at the girl's hormones going off like a fire alarm.

Glancing up from her book Quinn's face heated up in less than a second yanking the covers over her bottom half. Turning away from her, Dani snickered under her breath.

"Talk about being caught in your underwear." Dani received a text message from someone. Reading it her ears perked up excusing herself to the bathroom. Rolling her eyes Quinn made a pun at how soaked the girls panties got from the sight of Santana.

"I rather not think about that, um what are you reading?" pointing to the book in the girl's hands, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Poking Rachel with her foot Quinn smirked, showing her the book cover as she scooted closer.

Locking the door behind her Dani pressed # 2 on her quick dial waiting for the ring tone. A click was heard on the other end. Then the voice, the dark hair blonde adored.

"Hey Dani, what do I owe the pleasure to?" Santana questioned dropping her bag onto her bedroom floor. Flopping onto her mattress.

"From what I've heard she's doing well. How have you been? Since you know...the party." hearing her sigh Dani frowned. She began to give reasoning as to why she was just messing around, though hearing her stumble at saying team gay then correcting it to guy. She smirked at the floor. Oh, how she enjoyed teasing the girl. Changing the topic to Glee club Santana groaned stating she hated that Berry left right before Regionals. Listening to her concerns and how her day went she listened in to if there were any conversation between Quinn and Rachel. It was a low tone that she couldn't make out clearly. Praying silently, she didn't walk in on any TMI action. 

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