Taking Hits

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During the morning after their under the influence night Rachel awoke to two Advil pills and a glass of warm water beside her nightstand. Along with a small note, grunting she rubbed her eyes blinking a few times. Unfolding the note it read;

Dear Gold Star,

Hope the Advil and warm water helps from the night before. I had a blast, thanks for the invite and don't worry your basement is cleaned up thanks to Kurt and I. Sleep well.

Yours Truly,

Ms. Dapper.

P.S. Would you like to join me at the Lima Bean at 3 to discuss your wonderful performance of Kiss You. Oh and your shoulder shimmy is incredibly sexy ;)

Biting her lip from her comment Rachel took her medicine and finished the water in three gulps. Seeing the time she drifted off back to sleep with Quinn in mind.

By the time 3 o'clock came around Rachel had switched her shirt for the seventh time. Deciding on a plaid green button up she heard a pop up from her phone. Reading it she gasped at what she was reading. Sure she had endured taunting and cyber bullying but this takes the cake. Ignoring the unknown contact she grabbed her coat, scarf and made her way out to meet Quinn.

Greeted with her favorite beverage and vegan friendly cookies she loved the way Quinn's knitted sweater blended in with her skin tone. Drinking her latte at a snail speed she thought back to her comment on her shoulder shimmy being sexy. Quinn Fabray thought she was sexy, of all people.

"Quinn did you really mean when you said I was sexy?" nibbling on her bottom lip she smiled at her before drowning down the rest of her coffee. Setting the empty cup down her smile turned into a smirk and her eyes roamed over the girl's body. Even though she was covered up in heavy material Quinn couldn't help but be smitten by Rachel.

"Yes, every word. You are sexy Rachel Berry." sitting in silence Rachel ensured she was the only sexy one in the room. Rolling her eyes, Quinn went to get another drink as she waved at Kurt coming in. He saw Rachel twirling her fingers smiling eagerly. Plopping down in front of her she nearly jumped out of her seat.

"Hello Kurt, what brings you here? I assume you saw Quinn when passing by." nodding he removed his gloves as he mentioned if she saw her Facebook page lately. Wanting to ask why he already had his phone out and was on her page. There was a page titled: Hate on Berry there were rows of hurtful comments from her short height, to her weight, to even her being a slut for sleeping with Finn, her questioning sexuality and interest in a mysterious blonde the list went on and on. Not to mention calling her and her fathers fags and a dyke. Tearing up, Quinn returned to see her friend emotionally shut down. Eyeing Kurt she asked if he knew who was writing these things. Shrugging he wrapped his arm around the crying girl telling her that they could report the abusers to the police. Shaking her head she believed it was Karofsky again which resulted in Quinn crushing her cup spilling hot coffee over her sleeve.

"I appreciate you guys' help, I do but what can I do? Wear a shirt that says that I did not sleep with Finn Hudson. Come clean about me being bisexual? Yeah right." sighing she sniffed and wiped her tears on her coat sleeve. Kurt and Quinn sat on each side discussing plans for revenge and who would have it out for Rachel. They narrowed it down to Finn, Puck, Karofsky, and Bree from the cheerios. Convincing her to go to her house for a movie night Quinn sent a quick text to someone before giving them all a ride home.

Finishing The Wizard of Oz Rachel was fast asleep resting her head against Quinn's shoulder. Kurt was watching Clueless on low volume. Smiling at him she was relieved that Rachel had a friend like him. Though something the sleeping beauty mentioned earlier in the week threw her off.

"So Finn and you are step brothers huh?" questioning him, he turned her head towards her a bit pale.

"Yes...why do you ask?" careful of her next choice of words.

"When Rachel and I first met she mentioned she had a year long crush on him, until he chose being popular over glee. Along with his mom and your father remarrying. Just curious, what is your relationship like with him."

Based on his facial expression Quinn could imply that Finn treated Kurt just as bad. Placing the film on mute Kurt turned towards her, his face slightly pale. As Kurt told her of Finn and his history the more Quinn heard about the oversized man child; the more she began to despise him. It was bad enough he called Rachel out last night for her choice of friends but he allowed his friend Puck to throw him into garbage pins, Karofsky to slushie him, and the rest of McKinley's highly status assholes to make his life hell. He kept a brave face most of the year since he was able to be honest about his sexuality. Being the an openly gay teen in Lima, Ohio wasn't exactly a walk in the park. That was until Rachel came out to him. With her arm wrapped around Rachel's shoulder Quinn thought of how grateful she was to have heard of Dalton Academy. Sure it had strict regulations and had a curfew for students who weren't 18, but it was a safe space for her.

"Listen Quinn, Finn may not be the smartest apple in the bunch or the most humble at times but he knows when he's wrong." listening with an open mind best she could, there was another pop up from Rachel's phone. Sharing a glance Kurt reached over unlocking the device before reading the latest comment.

Anyone who could listen to her sing is probably deaf. - Chris F.

Growling under her breath Quinn turned the phone off placing it back down on the coffee table. Wanting to break the ice Kurt unmuted the film. She had already begun making a hit list to find out who made this page and have it removed.

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