Chapter One

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Amaya stared out of her window while thinking about her grandmother

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Amaya stared out of her window while thinking about her grandmother.

Thinking maybe what her grandmother said might be true, she had told Amaya that Rain is something that takes us to memories, there it has its own enormous, charming, variegated castles. Some castles take you to your hidden dreams and some castles have their own rollercoasters of memories. You don't just feel the splash or little live drops! You create swarms of unreachable moments, a mono-happening past.

The dark clouds make you feel in the arms of pain. And at the other side of the sky, a rainbow takes you to multiple colour swings of past, someone's presence and co-absence.

Amaya looked at the children who were playing and dancing in the rain, she smiled looking at them.

Maybe no one has forgotten the obsession of bathing in the first rain. The hilarious dance on the terrace with thunders and rain still makes us laugh and smile over our insanities. These raindrops indeed escape from formalities and consciousness, leading to the way of carelessness.

This Rain reminds many things and many memories to her, Some happy memories bring a smile to her face but that smile lasted very little time because the happy memories are reminders of him, soon those happy memories turned into bad memories.

Life is not easy as we think, this is what Amaya thinks whenever she felt worthless.

Worthless, It's just a single word but it could make someone's life miserable in a second, it could make you feel numb, it could make you feel bad about yourself, it could make you feel you are at fault even when you are not.

One word called worthless made a big impact on Amaya's life.

Amaya's childhood wasn't normal like others, she became mature at the age of eight, and she didn't enjoy her life like other kids, all she did was stay in her room, crying while hearing her parent's fights.

Throughout her life she tried her best to be perfect to her parents, she showed her love towards them when they failed, and she tried hard not to be a disappointment to her parents because she was afraid, that what if someday they will consider her as a burden, so she did all she could do.

Amaya's Parents aren't like other Parents who love their child to the core, but of course, they do care for her and her sister but they don't love them.

They wanted children to be disciplined, but they failed to notice that they were not disciplining them, they were trying to make them submissive to them, they treated them like a slave, they made them to do what they wanted, if they try to deny their command, they abuse them mentally and physically.

Amaya did everything they said just to make them love her, even when she had to give up on her dream, at one point she realized that no matter how much she try she will not get what she wants from them, and she stopped expecting.

Her whole life was controlled by her parents, her school, her course, her college, and her profession, she didn't say anything as she doesn't want to end up getting hurt, But her life turned into a huge mess when they started to search the alliance for her, she became afraid, afraid thinking what if she ends up like parents.

That's when she met Aadit, according to their parents Aadit is a perfect boy for her, when she first saw Aadit, she felt a spark, an attraction towards him, her heart whispered to her to say yes to their alliance, something told her that she will be so happy But after marrying him, her hopes crashed down.

She never thought that the past six months will change her whole life...

She never thought that the past six months will change her whole life

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