Chapter Three

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" Aditi, show Amaya the room, she might be tired

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" Aditi, show Amaya the room, she might be
tired. " her Mother in law said to her husband's sister, Aditi nodded her head and led the way to the room.

" Anni ( Sister in Law ) take rest well, It's going to be a LONG night. " Aditi teased her when opened the door of the room.

Amaya don't know how to react, she let out a forced awkward smile, she had mixed feelings, she felt uncomfortable, embarrassed, shy, scared, and awkward.


" Don't say no to anything." her mom said while she made her get ready for her first night.

" What? " Amaya faced her mother.

" Don't say no to Mappillai (son-in-law). "

" Do you mean ' Don't say no to sex '? " She air-quoted the lateral lines.

" Amaya! "

Amaya doesn't understand the concept of ' Never talk about sex or never use the word sex in front of your children. '

Not only her mom, but most families in the world also will never talk about ‘sex’ to their family members except their spouse. They feel ashamed, they feel shyness to talk about the process which runs the world.

If an unmarried boy and an unmarried girl have sex, they are considered as they are sinners.

What's wrong with it? It is not a drug or crime. If a man forces a woman to have sex that will be considered a crime, it's rape, but if both partners want to have sex, there's nothing wrong with it, why do most people consider that word taboo ??

Even if a married person forces their partner to have sex that will be considered as rape but some people would say ' he is the man and has needs and you have to fulfill them and there's nothing wrong with it ', When a girl says no then it is NO but they have to stand up themselves, Amaya was sure that Aadit isn't that type of man who will force their partner but still she has small fear in her heart.

" Amma, if I don't want to have sex then I will not " Before her mother could say anything her mother-in-law came to the room and took her to Aadit's.

The moment she entered the room the atmosphere became thick, he saw her coming towards him, he tapped his leg on the floor, his breath became uneven, he got uptight to tell that he don't like this marriage and wants  divorce from her.

" Amaya " he called her when she was going towards the washroom to change her dress.

" I wanna talk about something something important. "

" Wait, I will just change my dress and come then we will talk " she said as she wanted to get rid of the dress she wore from the moment she wore, Afer changing into something comfortable she came out and saw him thinking about something, his thoughts were broken when she cleared her throat.

" Sit down " he said pointing place next to him, she sat down next to him, it was awkward for both of them, Amaya felt little nervous about what he is gonna talk about, but she calmed down herself thinking it won't be anything bad.

" So, What is it ? " He took a deep breath.

" Amaya, I want divorce from you after six months " he looked into her eyes and said, her mind went blank for few seconds.

" What ? " She asked, hoping that she might heard him wrong.

" I am sorry, I don't want this marriage from the first " her mind became a mess, suddenly everything started to become difficult for her.

" I-I....Why ? I thought you like me ? " He sighed.

" Amaya, It's not something about I like you or not, Indeed you are beautiful and kind but.... " he looked at her with hesitation.

" I love someone " that's when he broke her little hope completely, hope that she can make him fall in love with her.

In this moment any other girl would have lost her patience and slapped him and cried thinking about her life if they were in her place but not Amaya, she is not girl who will cry infront of someone either she is not a girl who will get angry, she is a girl with patience, Her life thought her to be patient, she took a breath and spoke.

" Why didn't you stop this marriage ? "

" I can't, My father never asked me something but this, I can't say no to him, and as you knew my father recently had a heart attack, if I had said no it would have made his health condition worse. "

" Look, I am really sorry, I tried to talk about this before our wedding but I can't. "

" Ohh " her vision was blurred due to tears, it became difficult for her to breathe.

" I am sleepy can we sleep, I will take the right side of the bed " saying this she laid on her side of the bed, he was surprised by her behaviour, he thought she would cry and shout at him, but she didn't, nether she argued nor said ok for the divorce, this make him confused, he looked at her, who is sleeping.

" You are sleeping peacefully and I am worried about what you are gonna do " he whispered and laid on his side of the bed

Little did he know, she isn't sleeping and listening everything.

Little did he know, she isn't sleeping and listening everything

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