Chapter five

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" Hey, Watch out! " Amaya said, helping a little girl who stripped over her leg and fell

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" Hey, Watch out! " Amaya said, helping a little girl who stripped over her leg and fell.

" Hey little fellow, Are you ok? " Amaya asked softly looking at the cute girl who looked barely five.

" Yes I am, Thaqs Akka ( elder sister ) " She chuckled at her cute ' Thanks ', before she could be asked her name, someone hugged the little girl and kissed her both cheeks, a look of relief written over their face.

" Ira, Where were you ?, I was so worried, I warned you not to leave my hand," that lady said, Amaya assumed that the lady is the mother of the little girl.

" I am sowry Mama, I didn't mean to lose your hand, Tony slipped away from my hands " The little girl pointed at the doll in her hands and hugged her mother, and mumbled.

" I was so scared " the lady looked at Amaya and said.

" Thanks for helping my kid " Amaya smiled and said it's ok.

After they left, Amaya was engrossed in her thoughts, Amaya saw the emotion in the mother's eyes for the kid, the emotion which she never saw in her mother's eyes, LOVE.

Love which Amaya never got, which she is yearning for, which she desires for, Parent's love is a blessing not everyone gets that, Amaya always have envied her friends when their parents show their love towards them.

It's not like her parents are narcissistic parents, who are selfish and immature, her parents gave her whatever she wants, they did everything but they forgot to give one thing Love.

They didn't have time to show their love towards her sister and her because they were busing fighting with each other Instead of giving them the love they gave them depression, they gave them mental pressure that made her wish to die and even tried to commit suicide many times.

Her parents had an arranged marriage, and everything was going great for a few months but after that, they started to fight for some silly reasons and started to blame each other, her parents showed their anger towards them, they controlled their life, they made them insecure.

Amaya wished her parents to divorce, but she couldn't say that to them, because she knew that they are living their life for society not for them, and they made their children live for society, they decided to fight with each other instead of fighting with society.

Amaya hate their parents so much but at the same time, she loved them so much that she could do anything for them even when they gave her pain, all this while she couldn't understand herself for feeling like this.

" Hey "Amaya's thoughts were broken when heard a man's voice, she turned to see her friend Arjun.

In every person's life there will be someone, with whom you can share your pain, with whom you can share your secret, you can trust with your life, someone who lends their shoulder to cry, someone who understands you, someone who finds out you are sad in a second even without telling anything.

In Amaya's life that someone is Arjun, Amaya has best friends but in that, Arjun is special to her, they are like friends for eleven years, till now their friendship is stronger than they first met, Arjun knows everything about her just like that Amaya knows everything about him, In Amaya's life Arjun is a well wisher more than a friend, whenever she feel down she will spend some time him.

" Sorry, Did I make you wait for so long? " He asked.

" No, I just came here," she said as he seated, Amaya asked Arjun to come to the cafe they usually meet.

" Can we order something? " He asked and she nodded, he called a waitress.

" Want do you want? "

" Regular " She turned and stared at the busy street through the glass wall, after the waitress left, Arjun saw her engrossed in her thoughts, he took a small packet of something from his pocket and opened it, and took one of them

" Amaya " he called her, she saw him sticking out his thumb, and she understood his action and smiled looking at him, she fisted her and raised her thumb just like him and moved her thumb to press the thumb with him, they turned their thumb and rotated their hand to give a handshake, Arjun passed something through the handshake, she smiled at him as she knows what is it, they both know it's childish but sometimes silly little things makes people happy

Her eyes twinkled in joy when she opened her hand, she saw her favorite cigarette candy, she took the candy from his hand like a kid

" Why are you giving this suddenly? " She asked, because they share this candy when they are sad or happy to cheer up and encourage each other, Arjun placed his hand on top of her and said

" Amaya, I know you are stressed about something, Tell me what happened "

" What are you saying ?, Can't you see I am happy " She pretended to be confused

" Amaya, I know that something is off, you know you can't hide anything from me " Indeed whatever he said was true, Amaya was like an open book for him

" I got to know that you are sad at the moment you asked me to come here " She sighed and smiled sadly at him and decided to tell him everything.

" I got to know that you are sad at the moment you asked me to come here " She sighed and smiled sadly at him and decided to tell him everything

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