Chapter Six

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" I got to know that you are sad at the moment you asked me to come here " She sighed and smiled sadly at him and decided to tell everything, she stared outside through the glass wall, thinking where to start, Arjun was now looking at her tears po...

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" I got to know that you are sad at the moment you asked me to come here " She sighed and smiled sadly at him and decided to tell everything, she stared outside through the glass wall, thinking where to start, Arjun was now looking at her tears pooled eyes

" Why am I so unlucky Arjun ?, Don't I deserve happiness, I thought everything will be better once I get married, but boy I was so wrong "Slowly wet tears started to make their way down to her cheeks, Arjun got worried seeing her tears, he placed his hand over hers

" What happened?, Did he do something? " Arjun asked clenching his jaw, he can't tolerate if something happens to Amaya

" No," she said staring straight into his eyes and wiping her tears, he frowned

" I don't think my marriage will work out," she said

" Why are you saying that? "

" He loves someone else," she said

" What! "

" Yes, He wants a divorce from me "

" That bastard! " he cussed which Amaya didn't like

" Do Myra know about this? " He asked, she nodded her head as no, he closed his eyes trying to calm himself down

" Don't tell this to Myra "

" How cannot I ? "

" Please " she pleaded

Arjun felt pain and guilt, Pain that seeing Amaya in tears and Guilt for not stopping Amaya from saying yes to her marriage, he wished that he could have told his secret feelings for her earlier, he wished he could have stopped her from getting married

Amaya, this one name could bring a smile to Arjun's face, never in his dreams thought he would fall for Amaya,

His Love for her was Selfish and Selfless, Selfish because he was too selfish to not wanting to ruin their friendship by confessing his feelings, Selfless because he was ready to see her with someone else, his love for her is unrequited and unexplainable, he could do anything for her

Arjun knew, how much she suffered mentally throughout her childhood but every time he will be surprised to see how strong she is and how she is fighting with her depression till now

" Amaya, we both know how serious this is, so don't try to convince me," He said, he is determined to tell her sister about this, no matter how much he hates her sister he knows he has to say this to her sister

Arjun has always hated Myra, and Amaya knows that too, but she never knew what was the reason, She thought he hate her maybe because of her ill behavior towards him in the past but that's not the reason, he hated her sister because of her ill behavior towards Amaya, he still remembers how Amaya suffered in her teenage, Myra is indeed a good person but the constant tortures of her parents, made her to show frustration and hate on her, she had taunted her, she had mentally abused her, she had embarrassed her in front of her friends, these incidents made a huge impact on her

But Amaya never hated her sister for doing this to her, she is glad that her sister changed herself and now she became a good sister to her

" No Amaya, I won't listen to you in this matter, We both know that you like him, I just don't want you to end up getting hurt," he said in a stern voice

" Arjun I, myself tell this issue to her. when the time comes, besides I just like him I don't love him " she tried to convince Arjun

" Liking someone is a step to love," he said

" You are right but Liking someone is like a seed of love and it needs respect attention and care. " She said, thinking about the past encounter with Aadit she thought she won't get either of them, he shook his head and stood up from his place, and swatted her hand which was placed on top of his hands

" Like is a seed of love, and we can't predict what it needs to grow," he said looking straight into her eyes, his eyes were telling which she couldn't describe

" I never met someone stupid as you. And get the thing in your stupid mind that I will tell this issue to Myra no matter what " Saying this he left without turning backing causing Amaya to worry

 And get the thing in your stupid mind that I will tell this issue to Myra no matter what " Saying this he left without turning backing causing Amaya to worry

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