Chapter Fourteen

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Amaya stared at the clock which shows it's past eight, sighed looking at the file in her hands, she has been reading the same line again and again for the past twenty minutes as she couldn't concentrate on it

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Amaya stared at the clock which shows it's past eight, sighed looking at the file in her hands, she has been reading the same line again and again for the past twenty minutes as she couldn't concentrate on it

' what is he doing now ? Was I am being rude to him ? ' thoughts about him never never her mind

For the last two days she has been avoiding him but it's so hard to avoid him, in these two days, he barely saw her, he has been trying hard to talk with her like the old days, but she avoids saying lame excuses, he was sure that something happened, he feels something everytime she avoids him just like her, it might be a few days since they got to know about each other but in a short period they got close

That's making Amaya to feel scared, she is scared thinking what if she fall for him, already she has lot in her plate, she doesn't want anything because she knows that this could completely break her

" Amaya ? " a knock interrupted her thoughts

" Yes ? "

" Dinner is ready, Come let's eat "

" No, Aadit, I am not hungry, you go and have your food! " she shouted from her study table

" You should eat your dinner or else- "

" Aadit please! " he sighed and looked at the door he was standing infront, how he wishes to break the damn door open, he knocked the door again

" Atleast open the door "

" Why ? " He heard her shout, he didn't have any solid reasons to tell.

' I need to see you and I want to know what's bothering you ? ' he wanted to ask but he knows that she won't him the tell reason

She waited for him to leave while he waited for her to come out, five minutes have passed they both didn't speak anything, she relaxed in her chair thinking he left but then again he knocked

" What ? " She shouted but she didn't hear anything from that side expect the sound of the knock, she let out a annoyed sigh and got up from the chair and went towards the door

" What do you want Aadit ? Why are distrubing me ? Can't you leave me alone ? Why are you so annoying-" stopped when she saw him holding her phone which ringing in his hand

" Someone is calling you " he said gave her phone to her and left, she saw hurt passed through his eyes, she felt hurt when he felt hurt

She looked her phone saw her sister is calling, she frowned as her sister never calls this time, she picked up the call

" Hello "

" Hello Amaya! How are you doing ? "

" I am doing fine, How are you and Mama ? And how is my cute munchkin doing ? " She asked

" Everyone is good, What about Aadit ? " She looked at the room's door step and remembered how his eyes was

" Amaya ? Hello ? "

" Yes ? "

" What happened ? Why didn't you- "

" Network here is poor "

" Actually Amaya, I need a help, Actually that's why I called you " her sister said

" What's that ? "

" Ajay's mother is sick, so we decided to visit her, till then can you please take care of Aadya ? " Her sister requested

" Sure, I would love to take care of her, when are you going ? " She asked

" Thank you so much, we are leaving tomorrow, so we will come to your house at ten thirty at the morning, Is that ok for you ? " Her sister asked

" Ok "

After speaking for few minutes the ended up the call, she went out from her room looking for him, she found him near the the balcony sitting on a beam bag

" Hey " she called him out, he turned and looked at her, she moved towards him and sat on the another beam bag that was near his

" I am sorry "

" Why are you sorry ? "

" You were right, I was the one who was disturbing you " he said looking at her

Sometimes we get close to some people who we barely know, who we have spent a very less time with them but we search for them if they are not near, we miss them

" I didn't mean that, it's just came out of my mouth, Really "

" I was stressed " she tried to tell him that it was not intended, he looked at her without saying anything but then he decided to open his mouth

" Amaya I know something is bothering you, I just want to know that, I want to help you, What is the problem ?? " He asked almost pleaded when he saw her glassy eyes

Strangely his eyes gave her the hope, hope that everything will be alright, a hope for her to open up her past to someone new, tell about her problems but how can she tell that he is her problem

" Have you ever felt afraid ? " She whispered, suddenly she felt that they are close, closer than ever

" Afraid of what ? " He whispered back, slowly tears started to fall from her eyes

" Afraid of everything " she told him, he moved closer to her as she cried

" Everything ? What do you mean ? " He asked in low tone while caressing her hair

" I don't know " she sobbed as he hugged her

" I don't know, why I am feeling this pain ?, I don't know why everything happens to me ? I don't know what happened to me ? " she hugged him tightly and sobbed in his chest

" Shh, everything will be alright I am there for you, don't worry " he said and kissed her head

' That's the problem, the problem is you Aadit '

' That's the problem, the problem is you Aadit '

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