Chapter Four

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Morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, birds about their morning rituals, a gentle cool breeze, golden light everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations, full of beauty and magic, filled with the promise of a new beginning, Absolute...

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Morning sun beams peeking through the clouds, birds about their morning rituals, a gentle cool breeze, golden light everywhere, covering natural and man-made creations, full of beauty and magic, filled with the promise of a new beginning, Absolutely it is a fine day.

The sun rays are peeking through the curtains, disturbing Aadit's sleep, he got annoyed by it and turned his head towards another side.

When he was about to sleep, he was interrupted by someone, who is knocking on the door, at the same time Amaya came out from the washroom, and her peach smell filled in the room Aadit sat on the bed and saw her wiping her wet hair with the towel, his eyes widened at the sight and gulped at the sight, he saw her going towards the door, she opened the door saw her new sister in law, Aditi asked them to come to eat breakfast and left.

"Good morning " she chirped.

" It was Aditi, " she said when she saw him looking at her.

" She asked us to come down, " she said while drying her hair, he frowned at her behavior, she is like a mystery to him from the moment he met her.

" Why are you looking at me like that ?, Go and fresh up. "


" We are gonna miss you guys, " Aditi said to Amaya and Aadit as they are leaving and going to his penthouse, Aadit left his home when he was in college for some reason and use to visit his home very rarely, After bidding bye to them they drove towards his house.

The drive to his was filled with silence but not their mind, their mind was filled with thoughts about themselves, he feel strange about her behavior and she feel dejected about his confession,

Soon the car halted, they both got down from the car and moved towards his penthouse, her nostrils filled with his scent once she entered his penthouse.

" Come, " He said and she nodded, he showed her around the house, and he showed each and every room but she was not concentrating on him, at last, they stopped in front of one room, she frowned and thought why we are here.

" This is your room " he pointed towards the room.

" And that's mine " he pointed towards the other room that is opposite to hers.

" We are not sharing a room? " She asked, he looked at her like he couldn't believe her.

" Amaya you know, In what situ- " she cut off him in the middle saying.

" Ok " with that she opened the door of her room and closed it in front of his face, all this while he was staring at her.


After a while Amaya came out of the room looking fresh, he is sitting on the couch, thinking what to do, and that's when he saw her, he felt her chirpy aura.

" Hey, I am going to make some coffee, Do you want some? " She asked, he was just staring at her, thinking how could someone be normal in this kind of situation.

" What? Is something on my face? " She touched her face, he shook his head as no

" Ok, I will make some for you too " with that she went towards the kitchen, After a few minutes she came out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee in her hands

" Here " she handed him a cup of coffee, he took it from her hand hesitantly, and she sat down on the couch, they both took a sip the room was filled with an awkward silence, she broke the silence as she couldn't bear the silence

" How is the coffee?; I heard that you like strong coffee, Do you like it? " She asked

' What the fuck is wrong with her? '

His mind became a mess, everything started to seem weird, everything started to feel weird, and his thoughts about Amaya's behavior and his life ran back and forth in his mind Everything has a limit, and!
that's when he lost his limit, limit of patience,

" Stop!" he yelled, she flinched at his tone.

" What do you think about yourself ?, I am tired of your behavior, Will you please drop your acting? "

" I am tired and sick of your behavior. "

" Acting? " She chuckled bitterly.

" I am not acting Aadit, I am trying to be normal, What do you want me to do? "

" What will you do if you were in my situation? "

" What should I do? Should I cry or slap you for not telling me the truth? " Her voice was calm yet angry.

" And don't you dare to raise your voice at me, because of you I am in this situation. " she closed her eyes and sighed heavily before meeting the dark charcoal-black eyes.

It's not his fault alone, it's her fault too, she should have talked with him alone before the marriage, She should have said no to this marriage, her eyes turned into glassy eyes, she controlled herself from breaking down, she shouldn't have kept expectations as she knows she never had anything she wished for in her life but is it her fault?

In the next second, he realized his mistake when he was her glassy eyes, because of his one mistake, she is suffering, he shouldn't have said yes to this marriage, he should have talked about this to his father at least he should have talked about this to Amaya but his situation was not great but is it his fault?

" We can't say about this to our family right now as the situation is not in our favor, we still have six months, so after getting a divorce or after six months we will talk about this to our family " with that she left to her room without giving him a chance to speak.

He sighed looking at her leaving, he have met many girls but she is different, very different, different than his girlfriend.

One thing he was sure about her is, she is weird and has a lot of patience.

One thing he was sure about her is, she is weird and has a lot of patience

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