Chapter Ten

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" Really! She agreed for the divorce ? " Aadit looked at the girl infront of him

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" Really! She agreed for the divorce ? " Aadit looked at the girl infront of him

" Yes " he said

" I just can't beleive " she said

" Me either " he looked at her who was in a deep thought, there was few minutes break before she spoke

" Tell me, Is she beautiful than me ? " Aaira asked more like demanded for the answer causing Aadit's mind to go blank

" Aaira, I-I sh-e " he sighed

" Are you feeling insecure ? "

" No " she closed her eyes and shook her head, Aadit can understand her, he knows she feeling insecure, it's so normal to feel like this

Slowly she opened her eyes, as soon she did he met her glossy eyes, making him to worry

" I am not feeling insecure " she whispered, he held her hands which was on the table

" Aaira " he muttered in a low tone

" You know right ? our love is complicated "

" I just don't want this to fail, don't want us to fail " she wiped a lonely tear from her left eye and smiled

" God, I sound like a pathetic heroin in a cringe move " she said trying make the thick atmosphere to thin, which almost worked

" Let's order something, I am super hungry " causing him to smile

Aaira, a simple girl with a intelligent mind, she is a golden child to her parents, she is perfect and last but not least she is very understanding and that's what made she knows how to make people happy, she knows how to tackle a hard situation

" Aadit " she called, making him to come out from his thoughts

" Yes ? " She smiled at him and said

" I trust you " this simple words made made his heart to feel something, Guilt ? Maybe

The word trust is not a random word, he knows the importance and the value of the word trust

" I know " he whispered

Suddenly something caught his eye more like someone, He saw Amaya talking with someone, he was suprised to find her here


" Amaya " someone called her, she looked up and found Mrs. Sheela, the owner of this cosy  cafe, Amaya is familiar with her as she is regular costumer to this cafe, she is a sweet woman who is in her mind 50's

" Mrs. Sheela, How are you ?, How is your family ?, It's been a long time since I met you  "
" I am fine and my family too, so How are you doing ? " She asked

" I am fine "

" Can ask you something ? Hope you don't mind " she said

" Ofcourse you can ask me anything, I am like your daughter " Amaya said making her to smile warmly

" Is everything ok between you and Arjun ? "  Amaya's smile slowly started to drift away

" Yes ofcourse everything is good, why do you ask ?  Amaya asked

" No it's just, Arjun is looking upset lately, he looks stressed "

" Don't worry, I will take care of him " Amaya said, she smiled at her and left from there

She looked at her watch and realised it's time to go back to her hospital and picked her phone and bag to leave but suddenly

" Amaya " someone called her again, but this  time, the voice was very familiar, she recognised the voice in a second

" Aadit " she looked suprised so was he

It's been one week since that night, many things have changed between them, they became good friends

" What are you doing here ? " He asked

" Oh wait! Are you stalking me ? " He asked in a playful tone, she rolled her while smiling

" No, Why would I do that ? Besides you are not so handsome to stalk " she said, his smirk faded away

She noticed someone behind him, a girl, he noticed her stare and decided that it's the right time to introduce

" Amaya, This is Aaira "  the name Aaira caused Amaya's smile to fell down, but she quickly hid her sorrow and masked a fake smile

She never thought that she would meet the person who was the reason for her unsuccessful marriage life

" His girlfriend " Aaira quickly added causing Aadit to look at her with slightly widened eyes, a huge lump formed in her throat after hearing that, everything was in blur for a moment, she took a breath before smiling at her

" Hello, I am Amaya, his..."  She looked at Aadit before completing her sentence

" Pleasant acquaintance " without his knowledge he let out a sign in relief, the both girls stared at eachother, Aadit can literally feel the cold war going between them, suddenly Amaya's watch beeped causing her to look at her watch

" Oh shoot, I am running late, I gotta go " she said looking at them with a smile on her face

" I would definitely like to have lovely chat with you Aaira but I can't right now, So see you next time, bye "

" She is beautiful " Aaira said as Amaya left the cafe, Aadit looked at Aaira who is now looking at the door and wondered how he is going to manage another meeting

" She is beautiful " Aaira said as Amaya left the cafe, Aadit looked at Aaira who is now looking at the door and wondered how he is going to manage another meeting

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