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Lilia, the best female Dixon you could ever come across. When she stared into the mirror every morning, there was no need for her to practise her stone-set look that could intimidate a guy to their knees, so her father says.

A sweetheart curl laced her smile stuck around to the people she loved, including Carl, whom she's adored ever since this whole outbreak occurred.

She wore a battered cargo jacket, which Daryl took once from a store when he went out on a scavenge once. She's never stopped wearing it since and thankfully it still fits. Its dark green colour suited her eyes, it was a similarity anyone could notice.

Her hand reached towards to her chest as she trailed along the small heart shaped necklace she's been wearing since forever, that belonged to her mother before she passed away. 'Luckily she never had to experience the horrors of this apocalypse,' Lilia thought.

Staring at it through the mirror, it's cold feeling still lingering as she let it go. It was one of the tings she treasured most, the next thing was her group... or you could say 'her family' as she liked to call it.

She first met Rick when he discovered his family was in the group she was already in with her dad and uncle Merle. They got along nicely when he found out she was friends with his son Carl, whom they certainly been sharing a closer bond with lately.

Rick took over the role of her uncle when Merle was gone. The name 'uncle Rick' just stuck after the disaster at the prison and he saved her life.

But this time it isn't Lilia's life that needs possible saving, its Maggie's. She's been having trouble with the baby, so a plans been made to transport her to Hilltop. We're going on a wild adventure.

"I'm coming with." I say running up to Rick as he almost struggling to keep some bags on his shoulders.

"Lils, I'm not sure without Daryl around.." He replies unsurely, and rubs his hand over his sweaty face.

It was all a shock when Enid came screaming out the house that Maggie was in trouble. Although her haircut looked good it was the least of our worries as Abraham had to rush to bring the RV around.

"Maggie's my friend, all of our friend. Please Rick, my dad would understand." I pleaded, in hopes that my 'almost' puppy dog eyes would do the trick in convincing him. "Uncle Rick?"

"Alright.. get on." He chuckled as he gave in, patting me on the back before talking to Abraham.

Within the hour everyone had been loaded on - Abraham, Eugene, Aaron, Sasha, Carl... everyone - onto the RV with Maggie lying on the bed in the back whilst she was getting progressively worse, but nobody dared say it out loud as we needed to stay on the positive side... for Maggie. I was sat by her bed as we set off.

"I'm worried Lils.." Maggie croaked out, her accent shuddering as she spoke.

"You'll be okay Mags, I promise.." I reassured afterwards, but her hand squeezing mine stopped me mid sentence.

"No. I mean about Glenn, Daryl and everyone here.. The Saviours are out there, what if they-" She tried to explain in a panicky voice.

"Maggie, stop," I breathed out calmly. "Gettin' all worked up 'bout this won't help you. Just breathe.."

"I can't breathe about this," Maggie replied. "My husband and your father's out there and... God, this is such a mess."

I reached out for her other hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "It's all gonna work out."

When we were well on the road, Rick came in and joined us in the back room. "Hey."

"Hey," Maggie and I greeted softly.

"We're gonna make it," promised Rick. "The doctor at the Hilltop, he's gonna make things better."

She took a deep breath in hopes to compose herself, trying not to cry. "How do you know?"

"Everything we've done, we've done together," Rick said. "We got here together and we're sill here. Things have happened, but it's always worked out for us, 'cause it's been all of us. That's how I know. 'Cause as long as it's all of us, we can do anything."

Maggie's face curled up into a smile while I swallowed down the lump forming in my throat. We can do anything.

I noticed Carl in the doorframe, I stood leaving Rick and Maggie to have a chat whilst I went over to Carl and we sat down together.

"How is she?" He asked, hopeing for good news.

"She's alright, we just gotta get to Hilltop quick." I replied with a bounce to my leg.

"She'll be okay.. we'll all be okay." He said and he put a hand on my leg and and rubbed it soothingly. "So will your dad and Glenn."

"I miss him that's all. He hasn't been talkin' to me lately.. I'm worried." I say before moving my hands up to my necklace to fiddle with it, which was sort of a comfort thing now.

"How so?" Asked Carl who was looking into my eyes dearly.

"Ever since Denise died," I started with a quiet tone. "He had barely spoken a word to me, even when I tried to help he refused to talk. So when he headed out earlier I asked Glenn to follow him and hopefully bring him back. But now we've gone and they're still out there with Saviours runnin' about.."

"You're dad isn't stupid, he's gonna be fine. Glenn too. I'm sure we'll see them very soon together, okay?" Carl responded after listening to my rant.

"Yeah," I nodded acceptingly, I'm sure I was just over-reacting. "Thank you."

I put my head on his shoulder and relaxed my tense shoulders finally. "For what?" He wondered.

"For bein' you, listenin' to me. Keep doin' that." I whispered, as I fiddled with the ends of his hair and he softly stroked mine too.


just a little chapter to introduce everything! do you guys like Lilia so far?

next chapters aren't in order, I have no idea what is wrong. please check the chapter list and click from there.

it's suppose to be from, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 onwards

4th Apr 2024 - doing some grammar checks after two years :D

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