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Maggie was going to kill Negan. And dad was going to do everything he could to help her do it, including trying to stop Rick from reaching Alexandria.

There was something in my dad's eyes as he spoke which didn't sit right with me, I thought that his expression was off as I puzzled over it. When his bike got too far out of camp I made a decision.

I grabbed the reigns of Rick's horse and jumped on quickly. I may not be the best horse rider, but boy did I have to go fast. I kicked the horse on and I rode straight out of the camp, it was impossible to catch them on foot. But even so, it was still difficult to catch up to a speeding motorcycle on a galloping horse.

I rode the horse to some crossroads, the marking of the tyres led away from Alexandria. Cursing quietly I kicked on the horse again. "Please don't do something stupid. Fuck. Please."

As I was riding, I heard gunshots coming from camp, a loud noise like that could easily bring the herds closer towards the camp.

I desperately wanted to turn back and stop the herd, but I also desperately wanted to stop Rick and my dad from doing something they'll regret too. So I kept going, I was quick to dismount the horse and tie it to the tree when I saw the bike laying in the middle of the road.

"Rick! Dad!" I yelled loudly.

"Lilia?" Rick replied in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not letting you idiots do something stupid." I replied. "Where's my dad?"

"Down here!" A voice came.

"Down there." Rick replied."Lend us a hand will you."

"Dare I ask what happened?" I ask.

"Fell in this pit." Rick answered. "The walkers fell in after us. We gotta get him out."

"Fuckin' hell!" I groaned. "Dad, you gotta hurry!"

"I'm hurryin'." He replied.

Rick grabbed a nearby tree branch but unfortunately it couldn't reach enough into the pit to pull my dad up. "Lilia?"

I nodded quickly, gripping the tree branch with one hand and grasping Rick's hand in the other. He leaned down into the pit, to reach for my dad's hand.

"Take my hand." Rick said. "You're almost there. Come on. You're almost there. Brother...Brother, take my hand."

"Take the goddamm hand!" I yelled.

"Alright, Lilia pull!" Rick said as we pulled my dad up onto the ground. When we made impact with the dirt, Rick's voice shouted, "Heads up!"

He swiftly killed the walker behind my dad, who got to his feet and I took care of the other. When the danger had finally passed, I crashed into my dad's chest and hugged him.

"You're an asshole. Really, you are." I squeezed him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"I'm fine, I'm here." He reassured.

"I heard gunshots back at camp." I mentioned. "We gotta get back, and quick."

We struggled back up the road, eventually we saw the top of my horse and dad's bike that were still in good shape. Dad gestured to Rick. "Come on, let's go."

✓𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐱𝐨𝐧¹ | 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥Where stories live. Discover now